US of A: Iko shida Wadau.


Motive of the shooting ?

Amerooo kuna civil war chini ya maji. Wacha biden asanye kura hio country lazima kaumane.

No way civil war is coming to USA.

When the richest two men own more than half of the worlds poor…war is coming every where…to eliminate the bottom…there is no up

Fungua tu secshen ya USA mass shootings.

Cause for celebration. Kaende kuenda…

There is a movie called 2000 Mules that shows how the 2020 US election was rigged through ballot trafficking using hired people (mules), whos job was to collect harvested ballots and drop them at numerous ballot drop boxes.

The 2020 election fraud may not cause a civil war but the other side now knows exactly how the election was stolen and they will be watching for ballot trafficking mules starting with the mid term elections this November.

I can foresee ballot trafficking mules being shot dead all across America if they try their 2020 tactics again.

It is a WIN Win for Global Peace.
USA is an overrated Shithole. I have always said that because that is what it is. What they are good at is Propaganda


Are there black mass shooters?

tombwa umbwa mmuzee

Terror attacks are daily occurrences in the US,