[SIZE=7]Interview: “Yesterday Alstom, today Huawei, and tomorrow?”[/SIZE]
June 4, 2019 (3 days ago) 8:14 pm
[li]0SHARES[/li][li]0[/li][li]0[/li][li]0[/li][/ul] are worried of the US-China trade wars.
By XINHUA, PARIS, France Jun 4 – The United States uses its so-called long-arm jurisdiction as a weapon to stymie competition and other countries need to join hands to counter such unilateralist practice, said a former executive of French company Alstom.
In a recent interview with Xinhua, Frederic Pierucci recalled his personal experience with the extraterritorial reach of U.S. laws as president of Alstom’s furnace division, based on which he co-authored a book entitled “The American Trap.”


“I hesitated a long time before publishing ‘The American Trap,’ but now I don’t regret it. In all modesty, I think that it contributed to a rise in awareness by employees, company leaders and politicians on this subject,” he said.
Pierucci said the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), without notifying him first, filed charges against him in 2012 for breaching America’s Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) for his alleged role in a corruption case involving Alstom in 2003-2004 in Indonesia.
In April 2013, Pierucci was arrested in New York by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation. A year later, Alstom was asked to pay a huge fine of 772 million U.S. dollars, which eventually led to the partial acquisition of the French company by General Electric, its arch rival.
“My book describes my descent into hell, and shows how the DOJ used me to make Alstom pay the biggest fine in its history for having broken the FCPA,” Pierucci told Xinhua.
“That facilitated the buyout of 70 percent of Alstom by its main American competitor General Electric, blocking a potential merger between Alstom and Shanghai Electric Company,” he added.
For himself, the lawsuits filed by the United States were a nightmare. “In total, during two ‘trips’ made in a three-year interval, I spent more than 25 months in prison in the United States, 14 of which in high security quarters,” he said.
“I could only see my wife twice through a bulletproof window, and I could not see my four children during these periods,” he added. “On the request of the DOJ, I was also fired by Alstom for ‘abandoning my post’ while I was incarcerated. My career was destroyed.”
A precise and detailed analysis of the facts and of jurisprudence shows clearly that the United States uses its own judiciary system as an economic weapon with the objective of weakening competitors, going sometimes as far as to buy them up cheaply, said Pierucci.
“By buying out Alstom, the United States gained control of the maintenance of all the French nuclear power plants, which produce 75 percent of the electricity produced in the country,” he recalled.
The United States is now using a very similar strategy against Huawei, said the erstwhile Alstom executive of Washington’s recent unilateralist sanctions against the Chinese telecom giant.
The U.S. Commerce Department earlier this month put Huawei and its affiliates on a blacklist that requires the federal government approval for any sale and transfer of U.S. technologies to the Chinese firm. Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou has been arrested in Canada at the request of U.S. authorities.
Noting that “in the background there is of course a trade war between China and the United States,” Pierucci said “everyone knows Huawei has taken the lead compared to its competitors” in terms of 5G technology.
Now that it is widely known that the United States uses law as an economic weapon of war, all other countries in the world should unite in order to counteract such U.S. unilateralism, he suggested.
Otherwise, “yesterday Alstom, today Huawei, and tomorrow?” said Frederic.

The US = huge diaper of pupu.

Huawei is no Alstom in the sense that most of their business is in China, most of their profits too so they can take the sanctions for now their international interests will suffer greatly though,expect to see declining Huawei phone sales outside China

What the US is doing is honestly fine,they are number one for now but there will come a time when they’re not the top dog anymore and someone cough China cough will bully them too.

That is never cool for progress…Kumbuka when they banned Card payments for Russia, Visa and MasterCard block Russian bank customers - BBC News in 2013/14…Russian citizens suffered alot…Saa huu Russia wanatumia MIR card payment processing platform dunia yote tuki pigia visanet magoti for processing:D:D:D.US us the Military,Banking and Legal system yao ku hold other countries hostage…All for American companies to hold a leverage and economic advantage at all costso_Oo_Oo_Oo_OSo painful for the ordinary citizen in affected jurisdiction…Kumbuka same General Electric has been making losses in France year on yr since the Acquisition and plans to lay off about 4000 workers…Coz turbine business that they focused on is no longer useful as EU adopts new guidelines towards greener fuels…(Macron Gvt inatafta venye company za France zita merge ndo workers wengine wawe absorbed)…Its never a tool for progress

EU and america are bullies who survive on killing competitors. But dawa yao ni illegal immigrants

Alstom was the leading tech firm in Railway tech,critical infrastructure and mobility and energy…It was an EU powerhouse just like VW Group and haingekuwa hiyo upuzi,maybe ata SGR kenya mnge watafta:D:D,just thinking…So France as an EU power was held by the balls na ikafinywa…o_Oo_Oo_Oo_OGermany learnt the hard way 1980s…US semanded Tank technology ya Leopard tanks(US ndo wakatumia kurefine design and system capabilities za Abrams)…Next US Made it mandatory for interoparability of military tech in NATO,meaning tech yote EU wanaunda lazima US wataipata…That is how us uses EU Tech,refines it then hakuna vile EU inaeza nukisha otunguuu:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:Last two yrs US wametafta njia ya Trump kunyambisha VW Group thro National Security mantra juu GM na Ford zimeloose international clout and international market imebaki ni Germany VS Japan for automobiles…Gladly Mama ya Ujerumani,Angela Merkel ame stand against it kabisaa:cool::cool:Economic warfare is assymetrical and the hardest hit ni consumer cum ordinary citizen kama mimi na wewe

Did you miss the part about the arrest of Huawei’s CFO? That part is very similar to the ordeal that the Frenchmen underwent.

Totally the same scenarioo_Oo_Oo_OThis Americans just bully the World with same tactics…

No I did not like I said,most of Huawei’s profit comes from its motherland arresting the CFO does little to its bottom line the sanctions do but only on its international interests since most western countries are shunning Huawei 5g,but it should be noted that India, Russia and South Korea will proceed with Huawei 5G.

ZTE went through the same as Alstom by getting slapped $1 billion dollar fine for doing business with NK they are still among the biggest Telecom equipment manufacturers in the world, it pays to have a country like China in your corner.

Reading these hymns of pain,mysery and poverty one would think you were a bunch of very disadvantaged Chinese, Russian or Frenchmen lakini lo and behold ni nyeuthi za Kenya zinalia na nguvu hivyo…

Crying very bitterly and in pain that the Frenchman is suffering… the same Frenchman who screws West Africans daily…

That the Chinaman is suffering… the same Chinaman dumping and destroying Kenya forever…

That the Russian is suffering… the same Russian whose socialist politics stirred insane hatred in Africa and whose AK47 has killed millions of you black rats as you strived to emulate him…

Nyeuthi ni meffi. Ni shithole.

Who gives a shit about China or the US it’s all about the money bitch and if Huawei is going to continue making it which it probably will.

Your person feelings mean absolutely squat.

What my sentiment is what about the other small fishes kama mimi ama wewe ukiwahi kuwa na company inanukisha otunguu kama huawei…Same thing will hit you…And the world leaders dont stand up to that bs…