US About to Intervene


Ethiopian solutions to Ethiopian problems …

This country has gone thru an oppressive Monarchy , a failed Marxist Military Junta , and now a bungling democracy slewed towards an ethnic majority…

When temperatures simmer down , cooler heads could consider the compromise of a Federation of States …

It worked in Nigeria during the Biafra War …

Until then , this is one conflict that the US and its allies should keep their noses out of …

Respond and fight who? its a civil war

They will support ppl who guarantee US interests.

Djibouti si ni 100% somalis , how are they surviving bila clans kurushiana grenades ?

There a couple of data you need to be aware about.

  1. Both somalia and djibouti are from the same ethicty.

  2. Djibouti adapted french.

3.Hargesa part of somalia adapted english.

  1. Magadishu part adapted italian.

5.They are all muslima.

  1. Hawana ukabila they have clanism.

7.waborana are not somali. Ocha ni ethopia

  1. Kuna somali bantus.

  2. Ethopia kuna wasomali like kenya do.

10.Hargesa and mogadisho won their independence differnce dates.

  1. Ethopia like kenya kuna ukabila.

  2. Whats happening at the moment in ethopia is not new it been tussle between two kabilas.

13.Eretria are one 100 % tigray.

  1. Correction. Mogadisho adapted italian

Reading this realize Somalis are the weakest link in Africa. They’ve ceded sovereignty to everyone from US/France/China in Djibouti to defacto colonialism by Turkey and UAE in Puntland and Mogadishu.

BTW ukabila ya Somalia is very strong ata kama inaitwa clanism kwa kiingereza

ZII kabuda.

Case in point.

Rwanda na bujumbura.

Both countries speak one instinct language.



In rwanda wahutu have the numbers, ni wengi.

In bujumbura majority ni watusi.

Cheki ngori!!

I might add.

The only different between the two are,

  1. One is short and dark(Hutu)

2.Tall and light skin.(Tusi)

Simple as that.

Ni bala.

What point are you trying to make na hii maneno ya Hutu/Tutsi ?

if they have to intervene let them do it now while there is a govt, otherwise if the govt collapses fully then an external force comes in, things will become murky