@Finest wine we missed birthday ya Angel Maria.
I am a subscriber so I did not miss it. Waa I had to log in…she has come from very far in just a few months. Mtoto ni wa mama. Upto now the evil pair have not handed over her vaccination book meaning she never had any:mad:.
BTW there is a new hot child custody case in the offing hapa…what the ferk is wrong with our country’s legal system. Kagoni has connected her to Lawyer Ndegwa who helped Virginia win her case.
I saw the ad ati she has 8hrs supervised visits in a year. Corruption pure and simple.
Utashangaa if you listen to the whole story. Women are royally ferked by the whole system. The lawyers, the children officers, and the schools.
If the man has money atakuwekelea mambo hujawahi skia. You are mentally unstable, a child molester etcet etcet. This woman will win her case.
And even better that wakiri Ndegwa has opened his own youtube channel clinic.
Wacha nikaskize. Women are suffering in Kenya.
Jojina pls leta maoni on Dr Joyce…she underpins what I believe about marriages…furthermore she says you are what you attract.
Listen to the end.
I posted it here. I have listened. I like her advice. Did you watch the one of her house help? She has a heart of gold.
Oh I did not see it. Yes she is spot on. Most marriages would thrive if we all followed her advice. Lynn is mesmerized. Nice to hear good stories sometimes coz all we hear is gloom and doom.
Wacha nitafute hiyo ya househelp. Do you know ni wewe ulini-show these channels Tuko, Monica and Virginia…I only knew of Wamuratha and Jeremy…sasa I am hooked. Monica and Jeremy hunibamba sana na hizo mashamba za AMG Realtors. Icing on the cake.