Updates: Kenya's Fight Against Corona Virus

  • Shiny eyes from Kiambu are sewing masks in thousands. Saw the news in K24. Trust a shiny eye to follow the $$$.
  • Government has banned local companies from exporting N95 and three-ply respirator masks
  • Kenya has received 250 ventilators from the World Bank. Do we have enough qualified people to operate them??
  • 20,000 testing kits from Jack-Ma
  • Kenyans urged to return over 20,000 oxygen cylinders. BOC wants to mint $$ by manufacturing medical oxygen. I might buy this stock for speculation purposes. It is listed and has a small float.

What should be done instantly?

  • Everyone should be forced by law to wear a mask when outside his/her home. This is one simple rule that the idiots in parliament and cabinet are sleeping on. It will reduce the spread significantly and save thousands of lives.

#Bado Mapambano

I have always seen medical outfits getting their oxygen supplies from BOC in normal times so there’s nothing like want.
They have always been in the business.

Definitely. But I expect a jump in sales if this pandemic continues.

You definitely mean WHEN

This is the truth China hid and still hiding. The whole world believe it’s not important but the truth is, it’s veryvery important.

All Chinese I’ve seen in Westlands are wearing masks. All bank employees are also wearing masks. Mimi pia navaa any time I’m in public.