
Wakubwa, after the last incident, I knew there will come a time for revenge. I could sense. it was imminent. Just didn’t know it would be that ruthless.

The mood in the house changed. sister in-law has not yet up to now disclosed the person responsible for the pregnancy, although I Know am still there main suspect. Conveniently, I found out later she had a “miscarriage”.

Wyf alianza mind games, staying out late, flirting with strangers on Facebook openly, installing dating apps like tinder, being dropped from work by a “friend” etc. Whenever i tried questioning anything, she would shout back how I slept with her sister.

Imefikia mahali Internet history inaonesha akisearch " Airbnb in naivasha" . Kwa whatsup nliona amekua akivedio call daily mchana akiwa job with a guy she has saved “odongo”. Na Kuna mambo ingine zaidi yenye hata siwezi weka hapa.

We did a church wedding, and we’ve been married for more than 10yrs. Ostensibly, hi SI ndoa itaenda mahali. We have 3kids wako shule. Hii imeshindikana, staki kutokea kwa news Kama nimefanya ama kufanyiwa kitu mbaya.

Lawyers in the house, how is the divorce process, and the implications. What is the worst that can happen? Apparently it’s a matter of when, not if.


Pole sana ndugu. At least sasa si ukule sister ya wife bila pressure ama pia amekutoka?

Quietly transfer all your assets to a LLC

Wait for her akija usiku, sit her down talk to her, kama hataskia, seek audience and talk to a trusted uncle of hers to talk sense into her, deny the suspicion… Ikishindikana, carry your few earthly possessions and move into a single room away from there, plan on how to start life a fresh.

Ni sambazia digits za huyo wife mang’aa I try to talk some sense into her

I have never been married but I do think I can make a sound contribution to your dilemma that can help…

Let cool heads prevail. Don’t go full retard…

She is a mother to your children after all…

Fact is, they still need their mother and father… Married or not…

It makes sense that you want to divorce but, you still need to co parent with her after the fact.

The bitterness brought about by your separation shouldn’t cascade down to your children.

The transition to coparenting should be the number one priority in my opinion.

But wacha experienced married guys like akina @Yuletapeli give their take on the situation.

They might have better clarity on the situation than me.

Izza joh, may God give you strength in these trying times.
ION the more I read about such cases the more I fear marriage

:D:D:D:D:D:D. Akirudi usiku unamwambia arudi kule ametoka, why talk to her? She has made up her mind.

The toxic in-laws have messed up your marriage, I doubt you can salvage it considering how they suspect you of impregnating the woman’s sister. I suspect the whole thing was orchestrated by the mother-in-law to break your family, probably they just never liked you.

Pole sana bro.

Since I abhor marriage I have nothing to say but pole

Pole sana mdau. Count your losses. The marriage is not redeemable. Utafanyiwa madharau zaidi which might drive you into depression.


Mshow ajipange ama ujitoe

Start transfering your assets venye ume ambiwa. File for divorce secretly. Go serve her the suit mbele ya beste yake akiwa kwa job. Move out kwako.

Old homosexual go comment on gaaay threads

Ask her if she still wants to stay in the marriage relationship. if not you can start the divorce process ,don’t show any weakness she is using the children as the only thing still keeping you together.

tukisema hatuingii planteshen ni stress ka hizi huwa tuna-avoid…

Following to the bitter end.