Upcountry Is The Future

If I’m already worth more than a plot in Karen right now at 33, I like my chances which are certainly better than yours.

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Better than mine? Haha now you’ve said a lot of stupid things on this thread but this is the most ridiculous one. I can bet with my life that if we were to plot our probabilities of living in Karen, NOW/TODAY and not TOMORROW, my chances are a lot more higher - GUARANTEED.

How do I know? Well because by your own admission you don’t even have enough to Iset up shop permanently in Sukari and if you can then that’s a SIGNIFICANT portion of your net worth. More importantly, it means you can’t set up shop in Karen because you can’t afford it (AND that’s okay because nobody can afford everything anyway).

How do I stack up against you?

  1. I can afford to set up shop in Sukari without sweating and unlike you, it’ll just be a small chunk of my networth {TODAY: Right here right now}

  2. I can afford to set up shop in Karen BUT it will indeed be a significant portion of my net worth and I will feel it {TODAY: Right here right now}

From our discussion, you can neither do 1 nor 2. Kama nadanganya please correct me. Guess what? I’m in my late twenties. My income is much more than yours whether you want to believe it or not (if you have upwards of $100k in stocks alone vesting every year, then maybe I’ve met my match in you and we haven’t even talked about base salaries, bonuses and refreshers).

Long story short, I LIKE MY ODDS BETTER. To beat me in this game, you’d need over $130k in untouched cash every year in some form EXCLUDING whatever your taxed salary is. If you’re already at this level in Kenya, then I applaud your grit and you’ll have earned my respect for life in this shithole platform we like to shout on every single day.

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