Upcountry Is The Future

In 10 years, ushago will be the new suburbs. Diaspora Kenyans are building massive homes on those quite environments in the village.

Dead capital my foot.


That is still dead capital. You have mentioned “Diaspora Kenyans.” People will always settle where there are resources.


@Gaines disagrees. To him a move from Nairobi is asign of declining fortunes.

As expected.

Of course I disgaree juu you guys have zero experience living in the countryside. I have lived in BOTH worlds and I choose the city every time. If you are rich enough, you won’t have to move to ushago. Only regular people and the poor see the need to move permanently to shagz because their quality of life will improve significantly. A guy with 1 acre and a mansion in Loresho or Kitisuru won’t see the need to move to shagz permanently even at 65. Sure, he might have a ranch there and some cattle, but that’s just for sentimental reasons. Most wealthy people spend majority of their time in near Nairobi even in old age. Ocha huwa wanaenda tuu for a week just to change scenery. The only exception was Kenyatta who spent too much time in the coast during his final days enjoying the hot weather.

If you are wealthy enough to live in the leafy suburbs in Nairobi and surrounding areas, going to shagz will not improve your life in any meaningful way like it would to an average working class person who will now afford to retire in his mini-mansion and live peacefully. In fact, moving to shagz will be a downgrade because there is nowhere to spend your money. Golfing? No golf courses or very few ones with few members. Hobbies? Except rearing animals, there is very little to do there because you need friends in your socioeconomic group to enjoy those hobbies. You won’t ride horses or join social clubs alone. Health? This one is a big one. Most specialists in Kenya are in Nairobi. Do not let regional government hospitals fool you. To this day, people still get referred to Nairobi if they have unique or challenging health conditions associated with old age. Good luck finding a cardiologist at your ranch in Laikipia or an oncologist in Timboroa. The few specialist facilities huko ocha are crowded 24/7/365. The rich old cat in Nairobi will just drive or get driven to his specialist in Upper Hill in a matter of minutes and he will sleep home everyday. Restaurants and hotels? This is a no-brainer. Etc etc.

Maisha ya ocha only appeals to people who have been raised in the city as poor or middle class. That’s why you guys romanticize ocha and think it is your Jerusalem…which it is in a way because it would be a massive upgrade. I want to open your eyes further by telling you that there is an even better life than ocha life, but it is only accessible to the wealthy. Life in Nairobi’s leafy surburbs is the best life you can live anywhere in KE. Case closed.


Unfortunately, you will never have such a life because you still even haven’t built your mansion in Kahawa Sukari. For someone like you, ushago is the only option you have and you described it perfectly well.


Ushago kazi ni cheap liquor to pass time with the locals. Avoid it at all costs

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Following closely…

Perfect ad hominem logical fallacy. When arguing against bonobos, they will attack the person instead of the argument.

Why would I tie up over 20M on a house in Kahawa Sukari when it represents a significant portion of my net worth? I didn’t get to where I am by being a dummy or shitting my pants and running to Canada to wash tunyanyes. You would have a point if I was 55+, not 33. Try again.


Classic bonobos always default to petty insults such as “washing tunyanyes” whenever a Kenyan in the diaspora challenges their idiotic tendencies. It’s not my fault that you don’t have 20M to spend much less so rich enough to the point that it becomes a fraction of your net worth.

Hata iyo Sukari you’re still far from ever affording it and assuming you ever get there, you’ll probably be clocking 80 so let’s conclude that you’re destined to rent forever in those stupid Nairobi estates like Zimmerman and Umoja.

People like us who can afford Karen are the only ones qualified enough to speak about such matters as trivial as comparing ushago vs Nairobi. Wewe you’re still in the matrix.

20M would represent a significant portion of your net worth. That’s why USHAGO is perfect for somebody like you - not rich enough for EVEN Sukari so Karen really shouldn’t even be in your radar.

When you’re 80, you can then afford Sukari. Given that it’ll be too late, just go to ushago. You already mentioned Karen is for billionaires and Nairobi is worth it for such people. Using your argument, ushago then is for you because it’s meant for only those that can afford a middle class lifestyle in Nairobi, at most. YOU MADE THIS ARGUMENT YOURSELF so why are you being defensive when elders like myself put you in your place?

Why would I move to ocha at 33 when my main hustle iko huku??

If I was 65, with my current net worth, I would happily move to ocha. But I’m not 65. I still have more than 30 years of work in me.

Its now clear that you read to respond not to understand. You would have understood my argument if you had a few more IQ points.


I just want you to accept that at 65, you will move to USHAGO because like you said, Nairobi only makes sense for billionaires who can afford to live in Karen/Muthaiga. Since you are not one, it suffices to say that FOR MOST PEOPLE (including you), ushago is heaven in Kenya.

No because you are a low IQ bonobo who does not understand the time value of money or compounding. I’m already worth tens of millions right now at 33. Saying that I won’t afford to live in Karen at 60 is borderline asinine when I’m already worth more than a plot of land there right now. That’s why I think you are kinda slow to be honest. The odds are clearly in my favor.


It’s asinine to think that you understand the time value of money and compounding YET fail to see that by the time you’re “SUPPOSEDLY” ready to settle in Karen, land there will no longer be 30M a half acre but rather 80M+ (still a significant portion of your net worth even at 65!!!).

Pray tell you dreamer, when will you ever settle in Karen let alone Kahawa Sukari???

Anyone smart enough can see that you’re delusional. Not only will you not be able to afford 30M for a plot at Kahawa Sukari but also that 100M+ for a plot in Karen (the value of land there when you’re 65, at least 22 years from now).

Do you think Sukari and Karen are waiting for your lordship Gaines to make enough money so he can sweep said plots off their feet? Their value is constantly rising. Once again, your best bet is ushago. Karen is for people like myself who, while younger than you, are worth much more than you are.

Wacha upuzi….stupid fools have made Karen expensive….people have acreage and even keep cows and goats….thieving idiots think it’s classy to live in Karen and spend their ill gains making land expensive…fake billionaires.

Wewe hata choo hauna and now you think Karen is for you…Mara you want Karen, Elementaita, Nanyuki…mdomo mingi and nothing to show …Alex Kairu


LOL. Low IQ comment again. The price of land in Karen has only doubled in 10 years. My net worth has more than 15X in the last 10 years. That’s why nakuambia you are dumb as a rock.

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The only thing I care about is the number in my portfolio and it’s as fat as @Rexxy’s BBWs. Who cares whether I own anything anywhere when there’s zeros glaring in my eyes every time I take a look.

Keep yapping until the end of the world but just know Karen utakuwa unaionea tu Viusasa.