There’s this Jiji advert on Youtube where an older woman is flirtatious with a young man who could pass for her son.
She then bends down to pick something in front of him, and he raises his hands like he’s having a pleasurable experience.
It’s like the directors are implying she’s giving the young guy a blow job.
Mbona usiweke hiyo findio hapa tuone?
Na siueke link , and save you explanation breathe
Was searching for it, finally found it:
November 6, 2021, 11:55am
There’s this Jiji advert on Youtube where an older woman is flirtatious with a young man who could pass for her son.
She then bends down to pick something in front of him, and he raises his hands like he’s having a pleasurable experience.
It’s like the directors are implying she’s giving the young guy a blow job.
Lakini mbona wewe ulichagua kuwa homosexual?
Did you just wake up one day feeling the urge to have a cock shoved up your anus, or what happened? (No homo.)
Tell us.
November 6, 2021, 11:57am
Nauliza tu swali moja. Mbona hizi video ziko na over 100k views na comment moja moja pekee…
Lakini mbona wewe ulichagua kuwa homosexual?
Did you just wake up one day feeling the urge to have a cock shoved up your anus, or what happened? (No homo.)
Tell us.
Most are paid ads which appear when you’re viewing something else and you’re asked to skip or not
In advertising there is only 1 rule. Sex sells.
Kwasababu ni Ad kwa youtube
The way this country has hot milfs ,I’m surprised they couldn’t find one.
November 6, 2021, 12:49pm
That big mama is bangable, she has a pretty smile. .
If this one ain’t hot to you, my friend you are g@y
Any ninja that has hit on an older woman na mistari ikaingiana knows the pleasure that’s there.
Older women give it up like they are trying to prove something.
She does have a nice smile & she probably has a good personality but since they we’re going for a sexual advert ,
they should have picked someone else.
When an older woman gives it up, she doesn’t want it. She needs it.
That advert is underwhelming.
November 6, 2021, 4:21pm
True, basics of a good advert is it creates A.I.D.A