Unscrupulous Biz Neiba.

Telkom has good service on almost all fronts. Do you think it will dislodge safaricom??? No. People are already trapped and the other companies can only fight for the second position

You are stuck on “captive”. If Telkom had better service you wouldn’t need to tell me or anyone. People would already be there. Safaricom has no competition or rivals just companies who think they are. Quality will always trump price war.

Wacha auze vile atauza,eventually ata attract the wrong crowd,watu wa pishori na feather touch a.k.a pickpockets alafu just seat back and watch.besides a cheap place tends to drive people away

But I hope you learnt something… location location location…
Ulishuka first floor?

And you still don’t understand the concept of a captive market. You are only stating the obvious.

Its a Kenyan thing, just get used to it and add value to your products or services or diversify to an area your neighbour cannot venture into.

Charges? Try calling safcom from Telkom.
Internet? Telkom 4g is nowhere close to safcom 3g.

isn’t calling from telkom to other networks 3/= as opposed to safcom to other which is 4/=?

No i didnt first floor not spacious plus you pay rent doubble ya 2nd floor

Customer is King…that’s one thing that has gotten me through . If you have already established a client’s base then treat them well, give each one a personalized touch because in the long run,they are the ones who will boost your business by recommending you to others.