Unpopular Opinion

MGTOW is a movement for mostly broke or homosexual boys.

The more money a man has, the harder it is to stay single.

Women typically identify winners and move in. They can’t move in with an obvious loser.

Therefore, 9 out of 10 MGTOW guys are broke losers.

Change my mind.

:smiley: you’ve made it so that nobody can rationally disagree with you. So unainvite watu wakojolee thread yako.

How many times will you post threads on the same topic? There is nothing new you are saying.

As many times as I want. The king posts whatever he wants, whenever he feels like posting.

nangoja kuona fireworks hapa

If you are gaaaay you are gaaaay. Whether rich or not

Is it a comprehension issue?

Whereas there are different versions/definitions of MGTOW, the one I recognize with is men who have refused to sign commitment (marriage) to women.

Marriage is all women’s ultimate dream, to share the man’s resources and that’s why women will have compromised a lot when they marry a man earning the same as them.

Saying MGTOW are broke men shows a serious lack of thinking

Why? Because one, you can’t go your own way if you’re not in demand. Broke men are not in demand. In fact they are struggling hard to get even one woman to consider them for commitment.

Two, broke men are in a serious dry spell because once a person passes 25 years you can’t get laid if you’re broke. This is unlike when you are in campus or young when ladies considered swag, looks and were still in the age of exploring and partying.

You see the reason why men aren’t marrying is because they can get that sex easily, in fact coming in variety and hence see no point in marriage. And for that to happen past 25 years they gotta have money.

Third and final reason: broke men are in fact marriage ready. They partied like women, explored enough like women and lived a good life and hence are ready to settle. The problem is, they never focused on their careers but unlike women who can use their pusssy to get jobs and money, men can’t.

Most MGTOW on the other hand, worked hard and aren’t willing to share their wealth with a high mileage kunguru who is now ready to settle and is looking for a man who made it.

the only time i agree,lakini wachana ku misadvice vijana on crypto,our souls are infinite just like our universe,make hay while the sun still shines.

ati with more money it’s hard to stay single??..r u tht weak?

Correction Quuen


Boss…its actually easier to stay single…coz swali sisi mgtow hujiuliza ni uta oa nani uwache nani…na usisahau by the way your not interested in marriage…but if i do decide to settle down…who will you bestow the priviledge of warming your bed…is it Christine? Lavender? Linda? Anne? Mary? Esther? Salome?..for real…natafutwa mbaya…3 of them are married mind you.

Ogopa senior bachelors my friend…we are in another league…and it has nothing to do with our financial status…weh kua tu fun loving lively and single…dinya tu mmoja vizuri and they will come running…wote mpaka seco schoolers…i kid you not.

@Azor Ahai is saying the truth. A normal straight man can never successfully go his on way unless he is gay or has erectile dysfunction. Lazima kuna kachinda mahali either anachoma fuse akijaribu kuamsha.

Hata pesa sio a major determinant ya kuwai nyaus…

Pesa inaweza fanya mwanaume asioe kama hataki kuishi kwa slums. A peasant living in a bedsitter might choose to avoid marriage juu anajua akioa ataenda direct to the slums - so he claims to be MGTOW because that’s what serves him at that point in time. It is a deterrent to a low-income man. Me thinks most MGTOW boys here haven’t truly gone their own way. Ni budget inakataa kuingiana and as soon as they get a little chumz wanaingia plantation haraka sana. The only person who can claim to be MGTOW ni mwenye amekafunga na ako single…for the broke boys 99.99% of them wataoa wakipata pesa which means they aren’t genuine in their MGTOW claims.

Most are bitter, waliachwa, na dem akaendea mtu anajiweza. In kenya there is nothing like mgtow as you said pesa ndio imewakataa. Most talkers who sing the mgtow anthem if asked why they have no plans of getting married…hudai kulisha bibi na watoto ni majukumu kubwa, mara watoto watawasumbua and they rather do whores for life. A pointer that they are not in good shape financially. They are weak men to say the least and feel good wakijita alpha males.

umafwi thread , yafaa @MBOMB atombe @Nipe Nikusifu mkundu

ibadilishwe ikuwe MGTOWFCLBWDHKM

men going their own way from commitment lakini bado wanadinya HKM

[SIZE=1]munipatie perdiem nikae chini niunde catchier phrase[/SIZE]

Quite the opposite. Smart rich men either marry day ones or stay single because they can’t trust new people. “Dumb” rich men like athletes marry and end up divorced 80% of the time

Nothing new, same shit posted using different words :meffi::meffi::meffi:

How broke is broke?
Halafu unasema women move in with you when you’re winning kwani she moves in without your consent?
Mgtow or redpilled boys are smart to know that women are a liability ukiishi nao.
It’s easier to entertain several women ukiwa bachelor