To get what you want from others, you must become a hypocrite. Basically, honesty is NOT the best policy in social interactions. You’ll get much further in life by telling people what they want to hear, instead of the truth, even if the truth would help them more.
It works with politics, women, friends, business partners, customers, etc. People say that they want to be told the truth but the fact is, they only like the truth if its positive. If you tell anyone a truth that is negative for their case, they will probably hate you for it so you are better off just telling them exactly what they want to hear.
Always give good news and false hope, even when you know its garbage. That’s the approach that will benefit YOU. People will like you and being liked by many people is a huge asset. Pastors and politicians sell false hope to the masses and they get rewarded for it. If I tell you that world class stadiums are unreasonable investments in a third world country (there are better priorities) you won’t vote for me. That’s just an example.
Don’t tell people what serves them, tell them what serves YOUR interests. If promising you salvation will make you give me 10% of your hard earned money, so be it.