Iam a 22 year old guy Of late i have been worried about my possiblity of concieving children and it has really depressed me alot, normally testicles in boys descend before or a few weeks after birth but in my case BOTH of my testicles descended when i was thirteen or about fourteen and to me they seem very small in size. I have read lots of articles about undescended testicles (Cryptochirdism) and what i found out is that after the age of five without testicles having descended to the scrotum the eggs would be denatured and lose its ability to produce sperms… this has worried me alot. I have had sex a couple of times and yes i produce semen but iam not sure if they contain sperms and are able to ferterlize…this has really depressed me alot, i hope i can get help from anybody here because it has been really embarrassing i dont even want to share this with my friends or any close family members. Anybody with a simimiliar situation or has any relative with the situation please help
I don’t relate but a simple test at a fertility specialist might be all that’s required and do away with your fears to sire kids. Godspeed
Uliza Mfalme bingwa scrotum he is an expert.
Thanks for the information, I have a nephew with undescended testicles, let me take action since he is three years old.
ati nini?!
Wewe ni shemale kwani?
you will not get the help you need here. at your age i imagine you are in college and still under the care of parent(s). You have no choice but to confide your worries with them so that they assist you with the resources you will need for tests. if you lack the confidence to discuss the subject matter with your parents then involve an uncle or aunt.
Here is the problem, stop being depressed. Have you been tested and declared impotent ama you’ve been experimenting yourself with kungurus. Kunguru hawazaangi brother !!
Enda ufanyiwe sperm count kwa public hospital…its cheap
Go for semenalysis. Ama chapa dry fry akimiss periods…
Most of what you’ve typed above is true now to know mbivu na mbichi you need to see a fertility expert for your semen to be put under a microscope. Godspeed mate.
sorry brother i can feel the stress youve got…just confide in a fertility specialist near you but in most cases you might be just be fine…and all these scumbags trolling may you be forgiven…
Pole for this and thank you for sharing. I may not have a lot of information about this. However, in most cases, the only thing that is required is for testicles to descend. Unlike in females where girls are born with all their eggs in their ovaries, sperm cells are produced when you reach puberty. It is not easy to destroy them.
Go and do a test. The problem is that now you’re trying to jump on every girl you meet without protection to see whether you can make them pregnant. That is more dangerous than the condition that you may not even be having. You can get STDs and worse of them all HIV. Or you start fathering children right left and centre! Just do a test and find yourself someone you would be comfortable to marry if she gets pregnant.
Haiiiya, sitaongea sana but make sure amepelekwa kwa daktari, its not too late for him
See a fertility doctor but no need to be alarmed
@Mfalme Bingwa Scrotum wacha kutusumbua