Uncle Uwesmake...

If I gave you 99,000 KES, would you go for a VCT test and post the results here?

Hio pesa fanyia kitu ya maana juu he is already calulating hizo ni gilbeys na momo ngapi


Wacheni ango akuwe!

I would. You stand to benefit more from my test results than his…leta mbesha


kwani ango hajawai zuru kituo kujua hali yake???

170,000 are living with hiv in nairobi.hawa niwale odds za 0.000000001 hazi kuwafavour ama.

Acha stigma.

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i dont talk to fake Elders


Posting ones status online may have legal issues around it.

We all wish @uwesmake all the best.Anyone who has gone through that experience knows how harrowing it is.
Let us not promote stigma but we can promote awareness of ones status.

Its simples , let’s promote safe sex, Mambo ya Dryfry Ni ya MTU na bibi pekee, the rest Ni 99.999% risky

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yes with an attachment

Tunakupenda uncle!

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Stigma is kicking Uncle out of the forum because it’s found out that he’s HIV+
Joking about it gives it a face - it makes HIV something relatable.

I didn’t even know I was an elder, but I’ve been here since klost, so it was due.
Also, Uncle, what I’d like you to know is that whether you’re HIV+ or HIV-, please live a great life. It would be sad if you’d no longer be posting in this village.

You never stop amazing me, FP.

Inakuwanga scary. When I first went to get tested, I was so tensed nikingoja hiyo strip imalize ku-buffer. Those were the scariest two minutes of my life. Mind you, this is after psyching myself up for 3 months to go to the hospital.

Anko usijali ukimeza ARV utakuwa sawa na pia ukule vizuri na uwache pombe

Na sisi wale hauna jiko nyumbani


Not if you post it yourself… :slight_smile:

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