Unbelievable pure tribolism in action

Parastatals all headed by kalamenos

Ridiculous, hii ni Kenya ama kalenjinstan?

Shame on the other tribes that voted for him, ignominy

He is rubbing it in yall faces

Another reason JSKS is in trouble

This is Government, after ruto names the Cabinet, this guys should go home to.

upusi of the highest order

I mean even give it a veneer of fairness

but no, he give it ALL to his community

How are we a nation again?

This country will be disbanded out of necessity because certain communities they are more equal than than others. Zero sum game of ethnic domination will have to end before we can truly call this our own

Depressing to think because of their low administrative acumen and skills they will run all those parastatals to the ground, basically it will be feasting season for those Rift valley hyenas who can’t create nothing in private sector, feeding from the public trough is their ONLY route to riches. I respect communities who made their wealth outside government.