I weigh 90. down from 97. A bit on the skinny side but wide.
Asante sana but am already at Quepasa , Rain Check?
Tread carefully
:D:DYour dreams are valid. Asubuhi tulisema kujitetea ni sawa pia.
Last time 81kgs na sasa uko 90kgs…!!!
Kwani unapelekwa butchery gani hiyo…??
:D:D:D:D whatever you are drinking.I want.
…more like ngumi.
Hii weighing machine ni in pounds midget hapan danganya raia wewe NI 90lbs=<45kg
On the way.
Anapelekwa butchery ya Wakanyama aka @native son :D:D
That is not skinny.
110Kg down from 115.
Nimetoka kukata weight
Umeangusha tu mguu ya mbuzi. Ni progress.
72 Kgs
Me nko 32 kg sai but i hope after the next 2 months nitagonga 60kg
85 KG
- November was weighiwe 107. HaventH done any exercise. Just reduced my sugar and starch intake. Funny thing I don’t look that heavy. Am less than 6’. My daughter who is 5 Years is approaching 30kg and she doesn’t look unless you try to lift her.