Weka stamp ya whatever you having mimi nko hapa CBD Undisclosed location nameza mdogo.
Niko kwenye niko. Bia ni bora. Bia baridi ni bora saidi.
Hii Sacco mimi naiona kama findeo. A whole month imeisha bila kuguza. Threshold ya 21 days imevunjwa
Matumbo sacco:D…
Cut into not so small pieces then pressure cook 1hr 20mins.
Onions, Garlic & Ginger, Fresh Tomato & A small teaspoon of tomato paste, Greenpepper, Chilli, Soysauce & Salt na the boiled Jackets.
Ziko set in 20mins.
Foundation iko set brandy iko stock. Happy Friday…
Hapo sawa