RAO too has been deported back to Bondostan.

Kenya is a Trailblazer

The asshole was Georgian president mwenye alipigwa masweep na Putin

Joshua Miguna Miguna has the makings of a legend. If you have read his books, you can tell that this is a man who is a leader not a follower. In a world where most people are sheeple and cant critically think for themselves and are busy following this or the other trend, you can see he is his own man.

General Miguna Miguna is fearless, courageous and a man who stands by his convictions and a man who cant be bought. In this era of kissing the ring and people who can sacrifice anything for a piece of the pie, a man of principle that will stand by his convictions whether it is popular or not is as rare as a unicorn.

Miguna Miguna reminds me of Malcolm X who was a warrior for social justice. Miguna has written his name in the annals of Kenya’s history, the right side of history ! This is why am a shabiki of one Miguna.

RAO has been demoted back to Moses after failing to reach Canaan while the newly promoted Joshua Miguna maslippers has been deported leaving NASARITES wandering in vumbistan.

Kwani uko na miaka ngapi?