Hawakuona movie kwanza ama hata Trailer
Hapo sawa. The movie is Gay. I see anti-gay comment, i click like.
Manze hata hawakusoma synopsis ya movie ndio wajue iko aje…wali rush kui celebrate
how is our brother jaymoh doing?
It’s not a jubilee thing @Mjuaji . it’s about our national values. Kwani hio Kenya imekosa other topical issues we can make films about isipokua ushoga na usagaji?
Was it in line with “national values” on 14/4/28 alafu out of step on 27/4 ? This is just more Jubilidiot nonsense.
Same level with awarding Githeriman presidential medal.
Kenya isn’t a country for gay shiet.
Hapa nasema sawa.
This tribe of mine will be wiped out coz of eroded morals,they had to feature prominently in the movie.Mugo Wa Kibiru foresaw all these menace,its time he gave a signal on how to deal with them
Now I really want to see it.
Ezekiel Mutua is a fucking pretender. Chieth Praised that movie a week ago plus its producer and even the donors and now bans it?
here is the interview
he just used that move to go to Canes film festival for his own agenda then dumped them
Yaani movies are approved by a political party before they are released? You’re short on brains.
Everything we say must fit our politic narrative
Ama they introduced the section after review
Hatutaki gay shit in our country
ni mambo na wapi pesa imetoka. kama wanuri alipewa na ngo inaeneza hio agenda, what’s she to do? Hakuna pesa. You take what comes your way.
In Kenya if Safaricom is to fund your project, that’ll be a very green movie with dozens of phone calls. Uhuru alidanganya youths ati pesa ya lottery itaenda sinema lakini wapi.
now that you bring that up maybe he is actually hyping the movie… who knows.
alikuwa anataka tu tiko ya kuenda Canes, tusijidanganye. He used them then dumped them. Hauwezi hype movie bila kuiwatch or even read like a synopsis of what it’s about
I see supremeracist comments calling for the genocide of black people and I click Love
The judges who endorsed 12 Years a Slave and Nebraska ,half never wstched them!!!