Uhuru is the worst president ever

Kenya is worse off than it was 10 years ago. Uhuru has managed to widen the tribal rift that existed before to a point of no return. Funny that he was promoting himself as the digital age candidate. Sad that he was a young man without the burden of the beberu, with enough western education, world exposure to be able to rise to the occasion……. with enough wealth (stole or otherwise looted)to be able to arise above the graft business to actually craft a functioning government. He has failed in all fronts as far as each and every kenyan is concerned.

Economically – Anglo fleecing reloaded , Laptop gate, NYS theft, Euro bond….nothing to really go on about. For the young talented Kenya – (the cheetah generation) it has opened entrepreneurship opportunities like no other time before. This young super talented rich kids who are turning everyday problems into solutions like that Waiguru’s thieving son are the future of Kenya, bure kabisa. I can almost excuse him for doing everything it takes to get out of ICC, but now that he is off the hook (at least for now) what has he done? What plans does he have for the country?

Uhuru will leave this country as a failed state


@Wakanyama you are needed here

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Tinga has already led the opposition into a failed opposition, what if he led the state?


Hornbill is the worstest alternative leader to the worst president ever


upussy tu…generic thinking…

stupid real faggot,you’re not welcomed here

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Uhuru should be impeached


Did i knock on your door??? IDIOT

go ahead…and then what?

coming from an opposition that rides on anything to gain relevance…my friend what do you have to say about wetangula’s corruption case??:D:D
when kalonzo and raila were in government they also made frequent trips??? Even Obama himself dismissed opposition so WHO ARE YOU??


My attention was drawn to this statement “…Waiguru’s thieving son…” Please pray tell me,what did he steal?

Naona campaigns zimeanza

very true.
uhuru must go.
uhuru should be impeached.
uhuru is a one term president.
he have stolen even our brains.


Hehehe cordmorons & jubilidiots trying to outdo one another on whose tribal chief is better.


Why even wait for 2017?Organize fellow hecklers and idlers, the likes that assemble at Ambassador, City Hall and Jevanjee to read and discuss whats in the papers, go with them to State House and evict Uhuru.
We don’t want meaningless noise.




If you living in kenya, you must have come across the story of Waiguru’s 19 Yr Old Son Showing Off In a Shs 15 Million Aston Marin…kwani hiyo pesa alinunua nayo hiyo aston marin ni ya mamake???

don’t expose your ignorance here…people believe the gossip they want to…by the way hata mama yake alinunua sodo na pesa ya ofisi…


Hii ni pombe gani?
ama ni nguo?

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