Uhuru Is An Ojinga - Court Suspends Covid Mandate


Following closely

Reggae imesimama.

New World Order does not apply to Kenya.

There was even such mandate? , depicable

What are government services

Mutahi aende akajitombe. Anafikiria Kenya inatoshea Kwa.mfuko yake mbwa yeye.

Ongezea sauti askie akiwa afya house. Kazi ni kelele na upuzi mingi.

Lockdown na curfew is looming, kidogo establishments, malls, cafes, clubs, matatu zitaitisha cofid cert, then kuingia govment offices, hauingii bila. Hii kitu wameamua


enforcement ya mandate ndo itakuwa hekaya…kwanza hapo kwa matatu noma…matatu itakuwa ngumu ku enforce anything that affects their profits…after all crew za mat unapata hakuna mtu hata ako vaccinated…


Hapa, someone will go to court and challenge hizo lockdowns. All those numbers don’t add up to warrant a lockdown

Which Someone?

Tombaaaaaa illuminati and their NWO.