Uhuru has achieved much more in 2nd term

eg Harror and gimwarer. The usual suspect, the thug, stole all the billions.


Desperate Konyagi will spew anything with bbi death.
Covid billionairers n 2 b daily thefts r happening during 2nd term.


He achieved more indeed.

He achieved more tumbo. BBI stands for Beef, Beer and Indigestion


Uhuru, best President

He has achieved so much more in creating unemployment. And you will be wrong if you purely blame it on covid since massive unemployment started early.

Complements of 1st Term Projects, with KIBAKI momentum

This guy needs a refresher course on the Law of digging Holes “if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging”.

BBI is a Hole. Stop Digging! else you is burying yourself with BBI. Here is 2nd term accomplishment

  1. Killed opposition
  2. Compromised Jubilee
  3. Non of those high graft cases he is referring to have been prosecuted
  4. BIG 4 is no longer a Public Agenda item
  5. You have thrown your 2017/2013/2007/2002 associates under the Bus to support a person who sow himself in - How senseless?
  6. The country is debt ridden

Foolish Galatians…you started in the spirit, and finishing in the flesh

And the list goes on

@administrator @johnpombe are all @spear

Laptops. Hahahahahehehehehuhihihiiiiii

Niaje konyangi 001 ,si uniite kameeting statehouse Dio ntulize mdomo humbwer hii

tuko nyuma ya uncle Uhuru



If Jubilee teams up with ODM to form a grand coalition, they won’t go beyond MCA party nominations before there is serious MIB confrontation.
This is too ambitious at least and ever so stupid at most. Now I am persuaded that Uhuru is back to serious drinking, and his BFF is using juju. This is out of character for Uhuru. This is not how coalitions are formed - a coalition of “sheep and wolves”. The wrath of Jubilee members awaits Uhuru.

Because of Raira

Idiots , praise singers , sycophants and plain fools are abundant in here …

The writing is on the Wall … :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
