Uhuru, desperate for a handshake, personally reached out to Raila

'Handshake not about 2022': Raila narrates how Uhuru reached out

Raila narrated how he received a text message from Uhuru inviting him for dialogue at Harambee House in Nairobi, a move which culminated in the famed handshake.

“After what we have been through in this country, when my brother sent a message to me that we should talk, I told him that I am always ready to talk for Kenya,” he said.

If true that means Raila should be able to extract a payoff commensurate to this desperation.
So far there’s no evidence that happened politically. So the assumption is Raila was paid off in cash.

the old man is just being fucked with again. it was the only way to get the country moving again. atapewa hadi bendera atulie. na mwangi wa iria anamwuita ati minister. siasa za kenya wachana tu nazo. hazina huruma.
na analia kwa mazishi ya jamaa alichezewa karata mbaya hata yeye. How ironic. This dynamic duo are true students of Nyayo.

the more things change the more they remain the same… in 2018:

Uhuru = Nyayo
Ruto= Kibaki?
Raila still = Raila
Raila also= Saitoti (“ Huyu makamu wa rais ni rafiki yangu. Lakini urafiki na siasa ni tofouti …” )

Na hio ni maendeleo! The other old man has the last laugh. Vile alitabiri ndio imekuwa. Jogoo iko gangari for another 100 years.

Can’t we just all get together and get rid of this old geezer terrorizing this country election after election and getting away with it every time.

Shows who is the bigger man.
But for the sake of the country, the prevailing peace and the conducive business environment, we don’t give a ferk who called the other 1st.

unfortunately the flowers gals were betrayed… The generals… The whole NASA is no more… Yeah!!! Uhuru was desperate.

Swali tu
Huyu raila ni genius au nini tandi enzi za maziwa ya baba hadi saa hii bado ndio ule msee.?

When a good man steps up and extends an invitation to his opponent for the sake of the MANY, we applaud such an action, not connive to blackmail. If other leaders throughout the continent would do the same, the weapons and the killing industries would have to look for another trade.

Well done Uhuru Kenyatta, and to Raila for accepting that invitation when it was made.

9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God. [SIZE=2]Mathew 5:9[/SIZE]