Uganda picks Mombasa port for its early oil export

They took loans (Eurobonds and from China) and charged their oil deposits as security. Prices dipped and all hell broke lose.

Then what happens to the crude in the containers, they remain stationary there for years? The idea was to sell it and fund the Lokichar-Lodwar road construction. That oil is 100% owned by GoK. There will be no revenue share with Tullow.

What share does Kenya get from the oil revenues from akina Tullow @spear ?

True but they have recovered in the last 9 months. They also increased their output. Surprisingly Tullow stepped up to handle the upstream development of the Ghana projects. They used debt but it has worked.

@GERALD9949 kuja kiasi.

I believe there are two cost. Cost of oil, charged by the upstream oil company for developing the field I.e extraction infrastructure/pipelines. Once that cost has been factored per barrel then the balance for GoK can be known. However this are all under negotiations. GoK has already indicated it will take up equity ownership of the extraction company when the time comes. We will raise the equity amount at London Stock Exchange i.e $ 2 billion, use it to buy into the company, have NOCK take up that shareholding on behalf of Treasury and get between 30%-49% shareholding. This way we will have a strong share of profits from the project and still get revenue share from the oil sale.

I believe your referring to an article that was done by a fellow in some Daily some time back.
What you should know the Kenya Uganda oil is the light sweet type and fetches higher prices and the most sort after. But the handling in Transport is always the challenge.
As we invest in the pipeline which will handle the freight, we need to enter the oil market and establish our self as a reliable source for the market. And these is just 60k we are yet to set up to reach the billion reserves and start competing with the large players.

Let us look at the entire supply chain.There is no place on this planet where transporting crude via Road has ever been feasible.Heck,transporting refined products by road is barely profitable.Remember the price of crude is not set by GoK but by market forces which are well beyond our control.
There would be no money to build the Lodwar-Lokichar Road.When the last calculations were done,we would end up with billions in losses and the only beneficiaries would be the transporters since their fee would be fixed regardless of the price of the crude.
We would be making a loss under the Early Oil Pilot Scheme.
Then people would start asking where the oil money went and explaining that we sold it at a loss would be met with cries of corruption.

Nikisikia TOTAL nasikia ni kama democracy inaeza kuwa spread anytime.

It has always been known that there is oil in Kenya. However, the best way to keep it for America’s future energy needs is in the ground.

That is an urban myth.
1.America is set to be an oil exporter by 2025. If America wanted our oil,would they be investing tens of billions of dollars in shale oil technology which is more expensive???
2.With hydrogen fusion on the path to being a reality ,America may not need oil after 2030. In fact,hydrogen fusion will kill the Middle East.