UDA and hustlers want to ban pornography, like the taliban

A House team has approved Garissa Township MP Aden Duale’s bid to criminalise pornography in the country, despite intense lobbying by rights groups against the proposal.
The National Assembly’s ICT committee has turned down requests by bloggers, journalists, and human rights defenders for the deletion of the proposal.

The Communications Authority of Kenya had also recommended the deletion of the provisions banning pornography, citing violation of Article 33 and Article 34 of the Constitution.

[SIZE=5]We have bigger fish to fry than p0rn0s.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Those despots should suggest how they plan on creating employment opportunities, eradicating corruption & transforming the country in general.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Sexy videos should be the least of their concerns.[/SIZE]

Watu wata direct tension wapi ? Porn works asca societal pressure release valve.

:D:D:DThey can try. What a bunch of idiots

Rexxsenga with his 100 terabytes of porn will become a billionaire. Am sure ruto has a terabyte or two ,he is banking on the passing of that law to make money ,a hustler cunt

These ppl pretend to be pure in public. Tunajua if we look at their phones and pc tutapata alot of porno. Some of them might be into weird things.

You are an Ojinga. Just because you are living in a single room mabati house doesn’t mean that you can’t watch TV. Porn is part of the corruption that we must fight. Porn is just part of the degeneracy of a society. It then goes to faggotry and then pedophilia.

That argument doesn’t make sense. Even if an MP is a thief, we still expect him to pass tough laws against theft. Mutula Kilonzo impregnated a 15-year old girl as the Minister of education, but at the same time advocated that girls be educated.

You are speaking in abstract terms that are not legal in anyway, how do you measure degeneracy of a society and the corruption you are talking about?Paedophilia and homosexuality are banned because they are not abstract .How does porn violate/interfere with the rights of other human being?. If your argument is presented to court it will be useless and thrown out.Many societies have tried banning porn but it opens a pandora’s box,to what extent is pornographic display, if you open instagram you will see some female influencers advertising skirts which may be lewd to some people and not lewd to others, so must they get punished for making a living?. Morality is also relative, when you have a legislator using Islam as a source of legislation you forget that Kenya has atheists and traditional African religion who do not define morality like Muslims, hence very subjective. So the piece of legislation is not for the maximum benefit of society.

Dictating to adults what they should and should not do is foolish, your religious arguments and morality arguments/philosophies will be thrown out in court fast.Also we have bloggers, entertainers etc who could loose their freedom to express themselves because they do not know to what extent they should express themselves.Sexuality is an important part of being a human. Kenya is not a Muslim state, and you should see the stupidity that goes on in such muslim countries as Iran where they have a moral police that arrests anyone on site for things such as partying,drinking etc.It is very stupid for Duale to try to use his religion as a measure of morality and impose a legislation on others freedom of expression, that is why Muslims especially the radical/ religious ones find it hard integrating with other faiths everywhere and have to isolate themselves, they intertwine their faith with reason/politics and interfere with everyone elses rights

You know pornography can never and will never be banned in this country. Reasons, one this Internet motherfucking thing is not ours. Secondly, at the moment Kenyans are seriously contributing huge terabytes of porn data content into the Internet. Our government officials, eg. the Duales and UDA are also porn artists and have noticed the huge investment they can get by tapping few resources from porn content are now acting in a way to suggest they really love porn and would like to watch it by themselves. We won’t allow this.

[SIZE=5]Stop reasoning like a giraffe.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Cov id has ravaged the country. A new variant is threatening to do the same. Looting of public funds is the order of the day. Elections are a few months away from now.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Yet your main concern is p0rn?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Kindly visit a farm and trade in your brain for some manure.[/SIZE]


How does drug use and peddling interfere with the rights of other human beings?
How does consensual sex interfere with the right of other human beings?
How does possession of a home made gun interfere with the rights of other human beings?

We have always dictated to adults what they can and cannot do. These are called laws. That’s why you’ll here phrases like “the law dictates” or the “dictates of the law.” As it stands, the current law makes pornography illegal. As for being thrown out by the courts, maybe you should read the constitution and the existing court judgements before you talk of being thrown out by the courts.

Many societies have tried to ban tax evasion but they havent succeeded. It always opens a pandora’s box as to what the law means by “income”, “goods” and “resident.” According to your logic, we shouldn’t set up tax evasion laws. As for people earning their living, why should drug peddlers be punished for making a living?

Where has Islam been referred to in the legislation? Every legislation/government policy always stems from what someone believes in. If someone considers Adam Smith to be a prophet, will you fight the free market system because it stems from a religion? Muslims are not the majority in parliament, and yet it is still illegal in Kenya. If I were the president, white-worshippers wangeona moto

COVID is ravaging the country, looting is the order of the day, elections are a few months away. And you’re here wasting bandwidth? Why do YOU do something about COVID? Maybe get a farm and dig so that you can feed the next door neighbour?

I agree with you that the govt can’t ban porn simply because they are led by politicians who care for nothing except money. Porn addicts can’t do anything. They have no mental stamina to concentrate on anything. They must be fed with porn every five minutes. What will you do?

[SIZE=5]Dear ostrich, quit diverting the topic.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]It is the government’s mandate to deal with the pandemic. If I was the president, you bet your ballsack I would do a better job.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Likewise it is the neighbor’s mandate to feed him/herself. I am not the UN.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]And NEVER dictate how I should utilize my bandwidth.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Do you understand, zombie?[/SIZE]

Is it the role of government to deal with the pandemic? Interesting.

Why do you want to dictate what an MP should legislate on? Maybe it’s because you CAN’T be an MP?

[SIZE=5]So who is supposed to source vaccines? Who is supposed to impose curfew and lockdown directives?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Mama mbogas and hustlers? Are you okay upstairs? Zombie?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]I’m not dictating what MPs should / should not legislate. I am simply pointing out FACTS, [/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]P0rn is a non-issue.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]I have a strong feeling I’m arguing with a cow.[/SIZE]

You can buy vaccines if you want to
You can choose to stay at home and impose a curfew and a lockdown on yourself if you want to

Don’t you support freedom of Choice?

[SIZE=5]Of course I support freedom of choice, but that’s not the point.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Vaccines are not queen cakes. You can’t simply walk into a store and purchase them like avocadoes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Further, in order for lockdowns and curfews to be effective they must be imposed on EVERY citizen.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]How will the spread be mitigated if you are the only zombie lounging in your pigsty while everyone else is out and about?[/SIZE]