U.S Embassy in Jerusalem~ Kimeumana

They opened the embassy amid protests.

So far 41 killed.

Israel using snipers and drones to shoot down protesters. Naskia ni ma headshot tuu.

News tuko locked in 4 mins

Drone used by Israel shot down by protesters.

Sasa huyu kiwete anajaribu?

Sad… Sad… Sad!

Na Arab league imenyamazia Hii maneno.

MBS ako pamoja ma Israel

MBS ni mbwa…

Wauwane lakini wasiuwe my Ethiopian brothers who are the real Jews

Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine… period .

Benghazi incident inajirudia hapo

Very sad.
unwarranted bloodshed by the imperialists

52 dead and rising…

Very unequal fight.
Israel should stop this massacre of innocent Palestinians.

deati to all palestines,hapana tambua takataka

Jerusalem is the capital of Israel

Why fight a losing war Palestine?..

Islam is centered of death and destruction…

Glory to Israel

drones used to drop teargas…[ATTACH=full]170640[/ATTACH]

Sio kwa ubaya @mayekeke, unaenda vita na mawe na adui ako na drone hio sio suicide, hata raila alichoka teargas akasalimu amuri.

Mwafrika anafukuzwa Israel kama mbwa koko na ako busy hapa kushangilia palestinians wakiuliwa. Hitler alikosea sana, angemake sure amemaliza hizi gasia.

niko na GOD’s chosen people