
Adonitology is a religion dedicated to the worship of women with generous derieres. Is sais to have it’s own holy book. They believe women with big hindquarters are sacred. …

Siku njema.

that is religion founded by an idler

At least a big butt is real…

Look who is talking. :D:D:D:D:D

Nacheka tu peke yangu.

When you start something the most annoying thing with you is you never let go.

You might be surprised to hear the founder calling himself a “big butt enthusiast”.

Seriously, hii asubuhi yote unafikiria tu matako

Usianze bangi at old age mwalimu:D:D:D

Si fangi. Inaitwa human interest story hebu google uone.

those are the xstics of a successful achiever , never give up

:D:D:D:D:D… @gashwin this is criminal for making me laugh these hard.

this reminded me of this woman

very sad story

What’s criminal is what you did to English sir!