tyler perry

I am not usually a fan of tyler perry movies and series but kuna yenye niliwatch jana na Bernice and it was kinda awesome. It some series by the name ‘If loving you is wrong’. She persuaded me we watch nikaona wacha niwatch and I found it quite interesting to watch. It borders on love, sex, blackmail cheating. Next nawatch yake ni ‘The haves and have nots’

so did you chill after netflexing?



A banana and a kitty is more likely to lead to action

Heheh wacha Mr. Bernice atueleze

negro get a life…WTH…Hio series ni ya wamama…

Climate setting manenos!

Pussy whipped .:slight_smile:

Next ni la muher da mi vida.

This one is a Realest TBT.

Bernice ako fine…harusi ni lini?

Time to whip this out


Don’t nobody make you not enjoy those episodes, Tyler Perry is great at drama scripts