tutasame mara ngapi......

things have started to crumble


The lead investigator in the Sh9 billion NYS scandal has been dropped following allegations of business dealings and sexual advances on one of the accused.

wakamba na kuma…it’s a pity

quiet unfortunate for some of us who were almost “fapping” at the contents of ODPP’s file

Jesus Christ! @pamba hebu pitia hapa.

What is the chance that a lead case investigator turns out to be a business partner to the suspects? What type of chess game is it?

The investigator breached the code of conduct, a senior officer is required to carefully consider the potential conflict of interest prior to accepting to lead on an investigation where suspects are personally known to him. It is such acts that make prosecuting cases impossible, negligence of duty.

The officer should have notified his case manager, and voluntarily withdrawn from investigating the case, but decided not to. He should, not only be withdrawn from investigating the case but he should be prosecuted.

We really ought to recruit some fresh graduates form social sciences especially those who did criminology and put them through intensive training as investigators.

Mimi I just want to know who was kamuaring Ngirita… That’s all

Once again let’s go to Family Guy for clarity. The people who didn’t fall for the reinvigorated fight against corruption are smiling


Just to clarify, civil servants in Kenya are not idiots. They are well trained and well educated;but the system is such that the vipers outnumber the doves…sasa bibi ya jirani yako atakuwa anaongeza matako wako akiwa anakaa kama plywood?

Yes. We were told to stop complaining or better yet to stop exhibiting some form of a female dog’s character. We were told the govt is working hard to bring down corruption and it should be lauded for this efforts. We should be proud to have a govt that is working tirelessly for the collective well being of Kenya. We were also told that we are also corrupt so we should not make a big deal out of corruption. We were told there are business men and women who through honest means are multi-millionaires and billionaires, their companies offer top notch goods and services and so they are thriving; we are the ones who are lazy and lack business acumen. We are being told were it not for the judiciary, Kenya would be a country with no corruption; We were also told that it is the civil servants who are too greedy…they should be satisfied with their peanuts so that corruption can be maintained at very low levels; We have been told that we are too impatient…after all we are just 55years old as a country so why are we in a hurry to change…this things take time…so yes I am hoping for big, medium and small sized corruption bogeymen and women to be jailed.

When a viper shows it head, it should be captured, brought before a court, sentenced and caged, the other vipers will be forced to change their ways and transform becoming dovy.

“There is a multitude of vipers in the world but the light will always conquer the darkness.”

The holder of the gun has the power and the one looking at its barrel end is powerless…think about it


Alafu ukishajua?

i wont be suprised if that was deliberate on the investigators side

Cc @introvert and @mabenda4 mliambiwa wait and see na msireact kama watoto na sio a matter of life and death.

The Ngirita family is clearly being mischievous, throwing a spanner in the works and in the process trying to cast aspersions on the investigating officers.
[SIZE=7]‘I have no sexual relations with Ngirita,’ says NYS graft chief investigator[/SIZE]
[li]BENJAMIN MURIUKI[/li][li] [/li][li]12 JUN 2018[/li][/ul]
The chief investigator in the Ksh.9 billion National Youth Service (NYS) scandal probe has denied having any business or sexual relations with any member of the Ngirita family.
Mike Julius Kingoo Muia, a police officer attached at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations headquarters, dismissed the claims made by Jeremiah Gichina Ngirita that he and Mr. Muia had been actively trading with the NYS since 2014 but the alleged relations had recently gone sour.
“I, together with Mike Julius Kingoo Muia have been carrying out business of supplying hardware and renovating facilities at the National Youth Service in Gilgil,” Mr. Ngirita had claimed in an affidavit filed in court.

Mr. Ngirita alleged that after their “business relationship” with the DCI detective went south, Mr. Muia had vowed to use his position to fight the family.
“The cause of all the allegations against me and my family is due to the business disagreements between Mike Julius Kingoo Muia and ourselves all the said allegations are totally false and malicious,” added Mr. Ngirita.
According to Mr. Muia, however, the claims by Mr. Ngirita are only meant to divert attention and jeorpadise the ongoing probe.

“Jeremiah Gichina Ngirita’s main intention is to delay the prosecution of this matter and divert attention from the main issues,” said Muia.

“I have never been in any business relationship with Jeremiah Gichina Ngirita nor a partner at Jerrycathy Enterprises which he owns. This can be confirmed from the certificate of Registration.”
In his affidavit, Mr. Ngirita had accused the chief investigator of making sexual advances at his sister; Ann Wambere Ngirita, claims Mr. Muia denies.
“The only time I met Ann Wambere Wanjiku Ngirita was on May 21, 2018 at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations when I recorded her statement under inquiry in the presence of four other police officers amongst them two female officers,” says Mr. Muia.
The DCI officer, however, admits to have been friends with Mr. Ngirita, whom he claims to have met in 2013 through a mutual fried known as Sammy Kioko.

After sometime the three became friends and the DCI officer says they could borrow money from each other and they even visited his (Muia) rural home.
“As friends we could borrow money from each other. After borrowing money from either of us, Jeremiah Gichina Ngirita used to give us cheques to deposit after a period that we had agreed on,” says Mr. Ngirita.
Mike Muia maintains that he has never done any business with NYS, either in person or through a proxy, adding that the only time he visited the youth agency in Gilgil was during investigations.

Mike muya is being pulled in the puddle, huyo ni a very good cop and trust me one day he may be dci director, bookmark this reply.

Hajachovya honey pot ya Ngirita?

But if there has been business dealings between him and Old Ngirita he should have run so far away from this case, now he can’t run away from the fact that he will be seen to be either soft or hard on the suspects based on their past relationship irrespective of whether this is real or just mere perception. A good lawyer would be itching to cross-examine him and make the case look like a witch-hunt na huko ndio case inaelekezwa.

Not entirely true - Our history informs us the British were unable to defeat the Nandi, they were holding the barrel of the gun and they had none, resorting to trickery for peace. Know the greatness in thy self. Corruption diminishes it.