ati "We have seen panties with period blood, used condoms with semen, sanitary pads. We hear that these are charms used to spice the brew so as to attract people to drinking dens but they pose serious health hazards,” said Mwiwawi- Narok North Deputy Commissioner
The effect of cartels the goose have come home to roast. The only way to fight this vice is to lower the prices. They think wako untouchable this counterfeit good will put them off the market. Mimi siku Hizi I brew my own liquor
[ATTACH=full]169762[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]169762[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]169763[/ATTACH]boss invest in this distiller kwanza. Recipe in molases;yeast and leave to ferment for 3 days na cham iko ready.
Pia fruits like mananasi,banana,mango,sugarcane can substitute molasses
Was a colleague of mine who used to make alchohol using pineapples, yeast and honey. But his formula was secret ya clan yao. He was popular. Kila weekend alikuwa anapewa matetials afanye miracle. We used to get drunk. Hiyo pombe inazungusha dunia.
Legalising and regulating Cha’ngaa , Muratina, Toivo, rururungana, chibuku and other traditional tribal brews will be a good start.
I think Kenyans are now ready to go back to their Roots.
The highest quality of these traditional brews were and are still made from secret family recipes and it’s time we revive that tradition, tax and regulate safety standards and take pride in what is ours!
It’s easier to fake a Jameson than it would be to sell crap Muratina or ng’ang’o to a true connoisseur.