Tuning out the news...

Hehehe…pole. Do you recall back in 2004-2005 when the then NARC luminaries, kina murungaru, murungi, etc would take to hurling insults at every public rally every single day? That is what spurred me to FTA.


Si mfungue station zenu basi mwache kuwhine.

[SIZE=1]Rusheni mawe sasa[/SIZE]

murungaru saying “tutawasaka, tutawasaga na tutawabwaga” had me rolling on the effing floor. hubris ni mbaya

Halafu the local media used to focus on that garbage day in, day out 24/7. I remember scanning the classifieds in the newspaper, found a guy who installed FTA satellite tv, called and emailed him then travelled all the way to Nbi to meet the fellow and get the info ‘first-hand’.

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Media is like that all over the world. Except in saudi arabia and ISIS territory ofcourse.
And they are in business. Kama ni info unataka look for it. Not sit there passively and expect people to travel all over looking to feed you with gossip you like.

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beter watch trisha on sonymax than watch news

i know what you mean…i started this thread coz i had turned the tv on to tegea sokomoko on k24…the comic relief…

:D:D Si ulikuwa umeudhika.

The reason why that widow is living such a life is because of the plundering of the money that is supposed to alleviate her problems.

Sana kwanza!:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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