Tulifunzwa Kuchimba Choo & Kuvaa Nguo Just Recently 1896 Then Sasa Mnataka Kumanage Cities. HOW?

Now the counter arguent will be that Africans had a University in MALI when Europeans were still living in caves. The thing is those ancient African were exterminated after the completion of the Pyramids and later Great Zimbabwe.



Hata saa hii POKOTS still haven’t embraced cloths


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The Agikuyu always had clothes. They were wearing pure leather clothes unlike siku hizo tunauziwa polyester clothes. They also had original gold and silver jewelry.


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Huyu anaona kama kila mtu alikua anaishi kwa kichaka we hard organized societies

Without whites Africans would had died from malaria

There were mosquitos and malaria even before mzungu akuje and africans didnt die…


Walikufa kwa wingi. My great grandfather migrating from Uganda after a flu outbreak exterminated his whole village. And at least a flu you can survive. Malaria is guaranteed death.

Those that lived in very hot areas had very little clothing, but Bantus because of being in cold and wet climates had clothes. Ask a Kikuyu what mûthuru, and gîthii are. The narrative of nude Africans was perpetuated by the puritan Christians whose dressing was to cover the entire body save for hands and face; Africans on the other hand covered the basics. Young unmarried girls didn’t have to cover their breasts ( a great sin to akina David Livingstone) but on being married they covered them. Now looking at the current fashion trends it’s obvious Africans had a futuristic sense of fashion, or it was simply comfortable

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We exsisted on our own realm and reality, which we had for 1000s of year, a reality that we understood , then, the white man imposed his reality on us.
Before Rockefeller gave us the Modern medicine, Europe and America was equally affected by Malaria, flu, waterborne disease and a myriad of other plagues, actually this was the norm worldwide.
The thing thou, is that, The Western Hemisphere and and the parts of the Orient, courtesy of the west, have adequately tapped into the western realm adequately.
Mwafrika, despite speaking fluent English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Italian…, is yet to understand this realm, despite being educated.
At times, it’s not about the PhD’s and other shenanigans that we take pride in .
Case in point, Dmitri Mendeleev the man who gave us the periodic table, he claimed that he saw it in a dream.
This is total Bull crap.


Very true.




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The orient having little to no extractible wealth and not fit for manual labor were left to live out their cultures and religions (Europeans were mainly interested in their markets and ports) and they added the Western knowledge system to their own which improves their comparative advantage and competitiveness. Case in point is Japan, we praise and study their management system and collaborative R&D yet they are applying their culture to modern technology. Mwafrika’s culture, religion, knowledge systems and the entire body of knowledge were decimated (we need a name for this genocide) to make them labourers of the west and caretaker agents forthe westerners of the extractible wealth

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It’s possible he saw it in his dream assuming he had been mulling over it for days or weeks and during the night his brain pieced it all together and gave it to him in a dream. Constantine wishing to invade Rome but handicapped by a small demoralised and injured army, and on the other side in Rome fierce warrior communities like the Visigorths who even later after he took over Rome continued to raid the city, calling shots, had a vision/dream of a cross and the words, In signo Vinci, with this sign conquer. How convenient because the Visigorths and others were terrorising a majorly Christian population, so by processing Yesu ni Bwana, Constantine got the support of the Christians.
But as they say in charismatic leadership, create a mythical around yourself that portrays you as a mere servant of a superior supernatural being or a mere enforcer of the will of a supernatural

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