Tuko pamoja.....our numbers

This man personifys humility
So, the gods have decided to raise him above his peers.
Imagine, he was just pasing through, but when the people heard that the Dynamic Duo was in town, they left their jobs, their offices, ahops, vibandas, schools, shambas, …they left their all, to show solidarity with the their God chosen leaders. It was estimated that at Kapkatembo, the crowd surpassed 450,000… conservative figures by Aljezera.[ATTACH=full]71925[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]71926[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]71927[/ATTACH]
This here confirms that RWNBP


Hio nikama ilekeja ya jigranny pale kamkuywa. :D:D


unakulisha watu mori kwa nini???..


Just stating a fact bro, just the facts


wacha watu wa baba…waone hii wewe kwisha:D:D:D:eek:


Kuna watu wanaambiwa na hiyo media ya gideon Moi (standard group) that yeye ndio wakusema RV and that village party ya issac ruto. Watu wanadanganywa mbaya but since they dislike the dynamic duo they will believe anything said against them irrespective of source and content. This is Nandi and now you understand why in the last few years alfred keter has being called the ex-mp even before we get to elections.


napenda sana


I am in rift valley, the duo have an ace up their sleeves, that’s why @spear is always confident when saying that they will win with 60%., 2017 is done and dusted, only if they used that foresight in fighting corruption, Kenya tungekuwa mbele sana.


DP Uncle Ruto can’t wait for the development visit to Bomet and Baringo then the election campaign proper in RV in 2017. He want to teach his critics a lesson they will never forget. Jubilee wave has build up already and this is just rehearsals. Bado hata 5%. The best thing is our anti-development confused, divided, clueless and career failure of opposition is that they are not even ready for elections 2017 which is almost 8 months away with party nominations barely 2 months away. While they dread 2017, Jubilee is focusing on elections 2022.


hahaha, 450000 hiyo si ni population ya subcounty mzima

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Imagine… And they all came to hear the Duo speak.

Huget, don’t you???

Unaambiwa wewe ni mkundu

Last I checked, people that truly personify the word humility are never indicted for rape, murder, forceful eviction of people. They do not harbor thieves nor condone them amongst their midst.

Humility would be Mother Teresa, the Pope Francis et al.

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^^^Indicted by who, you idiot? Let me teach you some history. Mandela was only removed from the USA’s terrorist list in 2004. Jomo Kenyatta was once jailed for leading the Mau Mau, on the testimony of a guy who later said he was bribed with land and a visa. Gandhi was labelled a dirty untermensch.

You really must be stupid if you think that the Uhuru cases in the ICC collapsed because they intimidated witnesses. TWO VERY COMPETENT JUDGES FROM DEVELOPED JURISDICTIONS - GERMANY AND NORWAY - SAID THE CASES SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Do you know the judges that were used to try fix the cases? From Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Carribbean.

Now, if you are part of Babuon’s thinktank, we can all see why Babuon WNBP…


Voter turn out ya The Gambia…Tafakari.

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Bro Humility got a new meaning!

When an emperor is laughing with low lifes with no guards around him, he isn’t up to some good as they say.



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With shoddy investigations what do you expect? Threatening witnesses, compromising others, killing some, come on? Mzee unazeeka ukiacha akili kwa matako?


Stealing with humility since 2013


Did i not explain “Kiwaruu” sometime back. Lazima inawanyonga vibaya.