This guy will loose it fighting tangatanga which is an amorphous grouping, even wanjohi doesn’t know who’s in and who’s not.
Tuju shud take rest, the jap infighting is friendly fire, not personal. We want him to witness hustlers take over in 2022. Otherwise at this rate we will loose him,[ATTACH=full]304874[/ATTACH]
Tuju is just fine. A well decorated General.
He is winning so far.
[COLOR=rgb(41, 105, 176)]#mjeledi
You remind of my grandma…she always thought I was sick whenever I lost a pound or two…Tuju ako sawa…he doesn’t have to be fat like atwoli to be considered healthy
Last kicks za horse huwa aje?
he is a cs without portfolio…he needs to cash allowances by doing whatever
Tuju ako ngangari phuck Ruto and his foolish minions
Ango si ulikuwa MTU wa Ruto? Kwani ulidefect?
Boss, wewe ni Mtu wa Ruto damu, na ile ng’ombe inaitwa Trump, umewatema?
Omanga amesema anaweza jump how high…
How did she end up a nominated Senator? I watching some clips when appearing before the Jubilee disciplinary committee and she can’t even express herself well.
Kugawa kugawa.
Stress ya kukuliwa bibi manze
One day in politics is like a million days, I defected