Tugege wacheni kuzaa

Smh, Kenyan music is circling the drain. Alafu unapata takataka kama hii ndio inakuwa viral while good music gets buried under this horseshit.

wachana na kiphendro

:D:D:D atleast mbogi ya johnte adi gaza waligonja video iende editing bila kuiba camera

Nice music. Keep it up.

All @FieldMarshal CouchP 's grand children are suffering from massive jigger infestation

If it’s so good and pleasant as you say, why is it still buried under horseshit?

No. I definitely dont feel you. Shenzi.

I like the song, kwanza Nyandarua cash crop ni mawaru

Utu tuvijana tuamue kukuharibia sku lazima utatii

Kaveve kazoze :D:D:D

Hawa chokoraa walikusanya pesa from burglary activities ndio watuchefua macho na hii shitstorm mixtape

Hata mzee Abba had the same disparaging comments about kina Juacali back in the day.
If muziki haikubambi, you’re not the target audience.

Hako kadem lazima kamesuffer/enjoy DP mara kadhaa

wanakaa suspects wote.

Tunablame Ruto :smiley:


Njaruo I fought for Madaraka. Kesho naweka upende usipende…

Because the average Kenyan is a bonobo that gets easily excited by mediocre content. Just look at what most Kenyans consume from music to comedy.