Funga this stupid thread.
5K can buy one canter full of salt, yenye that bitch amesema that guy has never bought
Huyo mama ni wewe
Fuata yeye FB. Mtoe ngotha, umpanue matako then you know what you do
Too many contradictions on the man’s role as a provider. She does not indicate if they have talked about this issue.
She wants to leave him and is looking for concurrence not advice.
Stupid ghaseer stick to licking women asses
maliza huyu mnusa rasa
Hiyo 5k anapeza ni ya nini? To pay bills and buy the kids stuff.
What I get from this, that woman is as dumb as fuck. I hope the kid didn’t inherit that.
Group ya wamama ulienda kufanya nini? Anyway huyo mumama ashaonja za nje na akaona iko mwema
Ivory coast was this meant for elders or Truman Copote? :D:D