Imagine if you end with such a retard for a wife…
Pipi ya @Micymas
Perfect for each other
If she is not a bonobo she’s definitely a sloth
For those who don’t know a sloth[ATTACH=full]391839[/ATTACH]
And we still wonder who are these people that attend pastor nganga’s Church, play lotto, attend political rallies, listen to patanisho and trust waganga to solve all their problems. If you must marry then get a woman with some brains
What a prompt research:D now you know
Niaje musakulu. Kuna serial killer alichomoka kutoka Jogoo road police station. Unamujua?
Ni Mukhwasi yake
:D:D:D:D:D… MGTOW= FREEDOM… @Yuletapeli ,kujia khupipi yako awache kukuaibisha bure…I swear we need a thorough mental check before someone is given the right to be an adult and vote in Kenya,I can’t fathom how such a person and your s truly , alpha male Numero uno can enjoy the same rights and privileges such as voting and we each get one vote ,hapa supreme goat have infringed on my rights ,can I sue GOK @ranny
What a brainless retarded woman! Lakini kuna kabila zinaamini ujinga kama hizi.
Go ahead and sue GOK. I will have ule barista wa kahawa @WIGSPLITTA and @Nananimpa represent you.
It’s a thinly veiled threat boss
Wacha zako buana!! The woman is just concerned, she does not need any psychiatric help neither is she a fool. Hizo ni believes za kwao and she is afraid of the consequences _might lead to the death of the husband.
Na by the way, wacha kuchukia wanawake bure bure ivi brathe. Ni dem mmoja tu alikuumiza kaloho and that took place some decades ago, 70s i suppose. Ukiwa kijana. Sio wote wamekukosea. Bibii tunakutafutia. Hii ni lazima. Mali swaaaafi…wacha tu…:D:D:D
Wewe ngoja tutapatana hapo Njugunas very soon tukiteremsha ka bone soup ukinipatia a list of features you are looking for in a woman. Hauwezi ishi ivi ivi in monk mode.
Tunaanzisha motion “Karoga apate bibi this year” lazima ipitishwe :D:D
Illuminati watakubali :D:D
idiots raising idiots
At least ata angepewa sura juu akili iko missing, but hio pia alinyimwa
Mtu wa akina Mundu Mulosi huyu…