When the guy is introducing you to his fiends, know that he is serious with you. He can’t introduce all the Janes and Lilians he meets to all his friends.
Young lady, you should know better how to carry yourself, you will be surprised some girls have collected the telephone numbers of all his friends. Some in good intentions of checking up on their guys when are not around them. Mmh those are his friends for God’s sake.
Where will he hold his pride on you when they will start chatting you up? If you don’t trust him do your own homework, please don’t be too close to his firiends for the sake of obtaining information on him.
Mwanaume akiamua kukufahamisha kwa marafiki zake ujue ana kufikiria kwa maisha yake ya muda mrefu. Hataweza kuwafahamisha wakina Jane na Lilian wote anaokutana nao.
Bibi wewe umefanikiwa kuwa na namba za marafiki zake wote. Si kwa nia mbaya ni ili ukimtafuta ujue yuko wapi. Sasa hawa marafiki wakianza kukutongoza, huyu mwanaume unataka aweke wapi sura yake?
Kama humwamini fanya hesabu zako kivyako . Rafiki zake wawe rafiki zake.