

Punda ametanda.
Mawingu yameshoka.
Atembeze kiatu.

Trump fighting for democracy

“We should look at these allegations” Sounds like he has zero evidence



Twitter haitaki upuus.

A hundred million mail-in ballots in Philadelphia? He doesn’t even know what he’s saying.

This clown should just go home and rest :slight_smile:

siezi mind kukula melania chini ya maji…
Siata mimi Nita feel I was once an ex president…
Tunakula choo moja

D.J Trump will serve the 2nd term, Democrats over did it this time round.

cheap propaganda, if she was married when Trump ascended to the Presidency, that would made a little bit of sense.

the evidence is being compiled, just relax.

Supreme court will overturn the sham

Trump will rule upto 2024