America pretends to be a beacon of free speech but here they are trying to ban a popular social app. Shaitani ashindwe
Huyu jamaa hajui kuandika sentence moja huwa anaandika paragraph mzima
The US hushika wasee wote makende. You must bow to their demands.
Its all about money…nilifungua tiktok for afew days nikafunga coz its not for me but i understand tiktok makes alot of money kwa hiyo roses simps hutuma. Tiktok keeps about 60% of every dollar sent to a user. Thats alot of money that the US feels is missing out on. They want a share of the pie thats why they want 50%… alot of users and big spenders are in the US so tiktok hawana bahati
Americans are protectionists. They are just following China’s script. In fact I’m surprised they didn’t ban Tik Tok earlier. This is a war against China, not Tik Tok.
Lakini tuseme tu ukweli the war is against China and not TikTok.
Tiktok know they are screwed.
They will have to sell whether they like it or not.
What will happen if they dont?
They said they wont sell.
Tiktok has its most users in US. Wakiondoa hio they will struggle but it wont be the end. Hio kampuni ni kubwa sana. India banned tiktokbut bado inaexist, not a big deal
Africa hata hakuna mahali tuna appear. Sisi kazi yetu ni kunyamba na kujaza tu map.
Kuna wasee career yao ni fulltime tiktok streaming. Those gifts add up.
Chinese wasiuze
Hii ban itapea Kasongo excuses to ban social media over here… utaskia Sudi the “IT expert” now claiming how the apps are banned in USA…bure sana
Tikitoko ni ya maslekwin puana
Tiktok I used to think ni ya slayqins but not anymore. Maybe ni algorithm juu yangu iko na content Kali Kali.
I also feel kasongo and gang cannot let such an opportunity pass. They will try, despite the friction it will generate, to ban some social media. Hii itakua flashpoint mpya ya his rivals esp gen z
wrong. has nothing to do with money. Its about controlling the narrative. Unaonanga venye all western media tends to read from the same script and push a narrative aggressively, kitu inaitwa manufactured consent, that status quo was entirely and single-handedly disrupted by TikTok. Juu mahali kama kina Facebook was tightly under control
Wrong again. Its a war against the free flow of information. TikTok has played a key role in enlightening the masses not only about CIA’s clandestine activities but how Israel is a mega bully. The powers that be cannot allow such to continue unabated. They want to control the narrative and drive what the masses consume, something that the western media did successfully until TikTok came through.
Good thing is Kenyans are attacking hizo mbwa na USA x , banning x can be a tall order even for south Africa wacha a low level shit hole like us