Trump Tano Tena


You may like it or not, but Donald Trump will serve eight years as president of the United Snakes of America. Why do I say that?
[li]He tapped into the psyche of the white people and to them he represents their best interests. They not only openly support him they are proud about what he brings.[/li][li]Trump does no wrong in their eyes-forget the media cr*p.[/li][li]He speaks his mind.[/li][li]He loves America.[/li][li]The extreme nature of identity politics puts him at an advantage, since he’s telling the truth they want to hear.[/li][li]They don’t want immigrants in the USA.[/li][li]They don’t want to deal with transsexuals and other LGBTs. [/li][li]They like hearing somebody “stand” up to world leaders.[/li][li]To them it’s about America and jobs… because according to them, all jobs were taken to China by Liberals.[/li][li]Fuck the environment, because climate change is a Liberal conspiracy.[/li][li]Which democrat could go against him and win at this point?[/li][/ul]
Ladies and gentlemen;

Reads like a George Bush Senior script. “Read my lips: No more taxes”.

Na ulisema uliishi Queens, NY? For how many years?

[SIZE=6]Trump to serve for Ten years[/SIZE]? Even a grade 2 child knows the terms limits of a POTUS. Elementary tingz.

I think he included the current term.

Nakuheshimu sana, pana leta blonde moments hapa. :D:D:D

Yako I’ll excuse, kwasababu yeye alidai aliishi US for a while.

Tihihihi…it’s fuckin 5 a.m but honestly…I’m so used to hearing tano Tena mpaka it became a universal thing in my blonde mind.

I stayed there for two years…Perth Road, Jamaica Estates, Queens, NY.

Thanks, I stand corrected. I meant 8 years.

Nne tena jumla ni nane.
Tuache kupimana akili mapema hivi.

You hardly figured out the tube in 2 years.

On the header, you implied 10 yrs. In the text, you said 8. If you act intimidated, this posse will eat you alive.

I disagree with every one of your points because they are half right and the wrong half leads you to a tragically wrong conclusion. Just see where you are speculating.

  1. I corrected it after @Swansea pointed it out. It was an honest mistake.

  2. In New York it’s called the Subway not “Tube”.

  3. You’re entitled to your opinion about Trump, but the fact is that the morons in middle America will elect him again.

  1. It is called subway, tube, rat course, underground etc. What’s your point?

  2. Morons in “middle America” are the ones hurting the most. Check the internet to see how many seats the Republicans have lost so far in the mid term elections. Mine is an educated opinion. If you don’t like one paper, there are millions of them to turn to. You can even watch it on Fox, Drumpf’s mouthpiece. Check out how many women have been newly elected into Congress…

  1. Don’t be so salty. It’s just a correction.

  2. The midterms are in November, so I suppose we just have to wait and see. In any case, Bill Clinton also lost the midterms and was re-elected, same as George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Midterms mean jackshit.

I told you to check the news. Your retention capacity is not as good as you think. Don’t answer if all you have is a useless battle of wits. Jierevushe kwanza.

I responded with facts, you respond with conjecture.

You lose, hombre.

I thought tano tena is just a Kenyan expression for second term irrespective of the length of term. Just like they call someone who in unreachable on phone mteja, despite the fact that the reachable ones ni wateja all the same. Anyway, trivialities.

The US economy has done relatively well under Trump. Those who will not vote for him are the morons.

trump is better for US than Ms Clinton would have been. hako kamathe hakangemeet Kim in such a short duration after election

Trump just plagiarized baba’s hanshake. There’s nothing unique.
But on the real, I like what he’s tried to accomplish so far. So much for a stuck up reality show star.

I agree Trump is the man

That has nothing to do with Trump. Its the effect of Obama’s policies. Republicans always collapse the US economy.

Remember George W. Bush? Mr. “weapons of mass destruction” Bush? 2008 Financial Crisis Bush? Yeah that idiot.

Well, Trump is GWB II.

I don’t think Bush and Trump are comparable in many aspects except that they are Republicans. There will never be something in the mainstream media to connect anything Trump does with a positive impact on the US economy. He will never be given a positive review by the mainstream media. Fox is not a new phenomenon. It has always had conservative bent.