CC @ibrahim300
hii ni chizi
This is a good solution. He is right.
Why not in mar a Lago
Mar a Lago is too far. They should be settled with their cousins hapo Jordan and Egypt.
Where is @ibrahim300 ? Kuja leta maoni.
Tempting. Bora they be relocated to europe sina shida.they are capable of terra forming that old continent into something new.
The Egyptians and the Jordanians aren’t too fond of the Palestinians, don’t think they’ll be as eager to host them.
but given Europe is line to become a caliphate, they should head there and hasten the process.
Very good proposal only if he relocates them to the US. The useless Europeans who bended over and supported American crusades of regime change across the middleast are already overwhelmed by terrorists within their borders.
They will contaminate his dogs genes , those Arab fuckers love dogs
Nilikwambia kitambo hukusikia.
At the very end, the Palestinians will end up joining their brethren in the Arab world.
They have two options.
They can live on the demolition site in tents with no water, sanitation and relying on dwindling aid till the end of time because no one is ever paying for the reconstruction of Gaza ever again.
The Gulf Nations are not interested in building stuff only for it to last an average of 4 years before Israeli airstrikes destroys it and now the Americans have laid the foundation for a Cuba-style embargo on Gaza as long as Hamas is in power.
UNRWA is now permanently defunded. No US funds. The Europeans will be forced to defund UNRWA by proxy if the US imposes sanctions on any entity funding UNRWA by stating that such agencies cannot work with American companies, use the American financial system etc.
Egypt will take in Gazans. That country is on the verge of financial failure and is seeking debt relief.
Like how Mubarak sent the Egyptian army to fight Saddam during the First Gulf War and they got 30% of their debt wiped away, Egypt will be offered 100% debt relief for taking in all Gazans and they will quickly accept.
Jordan too will ask for something similar in exchange for taking in West Bankers. Indeed, they wish they had asked for the same like how Turkey did when it took in 5 million Syrians and now they get $5.3 billion a year from the EU to keep them there.
Most Gazans are of Egyptian origin anyway. Why do people forget Yassar Arafat was born in Cairo and that between 1948 and 1967 GAZA WAS A PART OF EGYPT???
Trump is wise.
Realistically it’s possible. They can just pay each and Jordan 10 billion dollars each. Kasongo can even offer to take 500 million to ressetle them in north eastern
Daz watam tokin bout ma man!
Yes, I’m sure he is memorising his points to wow trump. He will tie the issue to Haiti issue and US agenda of safeguarding her borders.
Maybe that’s he is touring NE to prevent any rejections.
It’s more likely considering his pet project for milking donors in the name of global warming is no longer an agenda
That was the plan all along huh
Forcible resettlement of population, cruelty, extreme violence this is why Benji is Hague candidate no 1
He is a sneaky businessman.He will backtrack and rescind his decision later kama after the shocking arm twisting,retaliatory Tariffs , economic blockage threats for Colombia when they refused US plane from landing.He starts to negotiate by setting bar too high to have LEVERAGE.He knows it is impossible but they will eventually negotiate by countering his offer.
Arab Neighbors watawachukue them temporary kama refugees, while they build an permanent US army base pretending to remove bombs and built some settlement structures like East and West Germany post world war 2.Even to this date there is US army base huko Ujerumani to squash any remnant of Nazi administration.
Moreover some refugees by 4 years watakua wamekua assimillated to their host like Qatar,UAE Saudi Arabia countries,hawataona reason ya kurudi.Just like some Kenyan South Sudanese won’t return home even after given independence.Alot of Germany immigrants went to US and Nazi soldiers fled to Argentina post war and never came back in 50s