Unasema wakue na stringent immigrant policies kama za United Snakes wakionoka?
Yes otherwise immigrants will flood there like ants in search of better life and benefits, ona vile Somali bustards are flooding Kenya because Somali is poor
If Kenya ever wants to become Singapore lazima Somali border iwe regulated
Uyu jamaa nakumbuka vile aliingia alifunga NGOs mob sana and I was affected mbaya sana back then
sahii, Trump make America Great
In your dreams.
Capitalism, how
18% peke yake, China imesema it will step in
Kuna hopes, my worry was my tourism side gig which is seasonal anyway
- No PEP
- No Condoms
- No Birth Control Pills
you have to realize America is not the only country in WHO, NGOS are on the verge of failing but other countries for example China have assured continued support to our country UNICEF and USAID is not the only NGO so ata hoarding those pills is not all that necessary but caution precedes knowledge
Kenya can mitigate this. Countries such as malawi, South Sudan, Uganda, Burundi etc ndio watanyamba.
Na ndio watatuletea shida. Nairobi tukiskia Kuna brothel ya madame wa Uganda tunakimbia bila condom
USA contributes 18% of the WHO’s budget. If Trump extended the withdrawal to 12 months, the organisation will fail by September. Money talks, bullshit walks.
just 18% are you aware countries have emergency funds so minus a small proportion of 100% support of the money that came to Kenya from WHO we can sustain ourselves… the only problem is that those pigs we elected see this as a business opportunity
I see what you did there that “money talks, bullshit walks” nonsense doesn’t make you intelligent we used that in our composition errors argue like a learned fellow kijana at least one that shows youre above an undergraduate level…degenerate