We have no option but to strangle our monkeys and live to fight another day.
PEPFAR Work Stop Orders.pdf (55.0 KB)
We have no option but to strangle our monkeys and live to fight another day.
PEPFAR Work Stop Orders.pdf (55.0 KB)
Lakini African leaders huwa spoon fed sana, I want to see if bukina faso can break even without whitemans interference, and when they do so they should close the borders to avoid immigration from other Africans especially nigerians
Form ni gani hapa mkuu?
Trump is stopping aid which was supplying arvs to African countries, in short HIV meds is going to be expensive
Why should we care… Sisi wasafi kama pamba
Nobody cares, serikali ni bongo lala, a country like Kenya should have a proper pharmaceutical sector like india
And out of reach for bonobos that means many children will be born with mdudu and 18 years from today dry frying will be a dead sentence.
Ni just 2B na Kuna watu wanakula hio doo daily
It wont. Kenyan government will chip in. A country cannot risk losing its population to sickness. The government will be ready to milk you dry just to make sure people are healthy. Vile uliona gava ilichukulia COVID serious is same as the way it takes these vaccines/HIV and drugs serious.
Its about time watu waache umaraya…imagine ku dry fry lanye then unaambiwa hakuna PEP bana
Stress will kill you even before aids, juu ya kukosa pep
But we have done that countless times. Kupima na mecho is our expertise and we give ourselves 90.days pre-nut period if no symptoms show we climb again.
Hio USAID is a bribery to vote according to USA in UN general assembly. When they see you will go against their policy unakumbushwa about USAID Una kunja mkia.
Hebu Angalia voting za UN Africa vote to support USA or abstain.
So you think the government cares… In the same country where people die from hunger. During covid time they acted like they cared so that any action they take would be politically correct, including siphoning money from treasury.
Just like covid presented an avenue to loot Sasa hapa wamepata Gate ata sio mlango , kugula reloaded as they ’ help’ Kenyans to solve this issue.
Mimi naona kama India iko supported na Britain
Trump has paused foreign aid for 90 days Pending a review of what not to fund. USAID won’t fund lbgtq and human rights activists like BM where they don’t help him.and his white Americans.
I don’t think PEP is flown in daily ,there should be some stock at kemsa.
Only that they may start selling them expensively . .
They will not live to be 18
Next utasikia kasongo akisema tumetega billion 400 kununua ARVS
Government cares. Acha nabii aibe but end of the day hawezi kusurvive na unhealthy nation. Hio nayo ni kitu basic