troubling mindset

I’ve been following arguments around Lilian and Mutua’s saga. Most women argue that Mutua shouldn’t ask for anything back because Lilian gave him sex, and that should stand in place of the monetary gifts she received. It seems women in relationships even married women, consider sex as a favor to men. Or the new age men have been putting the pussy on a pedestal such that it drives these women to have such weird mentality

Your way of thinking says you are a beta chieth simp

you’re the beta chietha, you shouldn’t be paying for pussy. The Alphas are getting it for free


You need to take time and understand how men and women function. Look at it from a sexual point if view…

yes, women’s and men’s view on sex is way different. Even those women in a relationship/marriage , sex to them is transactional.

Why do you expect a woman to give you what she values the most burebure tu…

:D:D:D:D:D… MGTOW= FREEDOM… Women don’t need brain power to survive and thrive , from an evolutionary perspective coomer ndio Ace card Yao, package that piece of anatomy properly and she can get 99 % of men , Mgtow alpha males are exempt from being abused and misused by women

Since Lilian took back the sex, Mutia should take back his properties.

Why would Mutua have properties in her name. That’s a damn ass.

Mutua aangushe ile chokoraa Juliani kwanza vile Tuju alicheza.

You will always pay for a pusssy in kind .don’t tell me girls remove their pants freely for you in streets and tell you please ianochieth fuck me ,it’s free because you are alpha?

Definition za alpha in ktalk hunishangaza Sana. :smiley:
It’s free if he’s getting it from an old rich mamma.

continue buying pussy from mapoko, it’s a free world

Some men think a woman fucking them is a favor

Bold move. Building trust I guess. He knew he is powerful enough to transfer those properties illegally.