
How sad must be your life be that you are on the internet trolling, like seriously how a loser must you be that you think you will go online and be a troll. Imagine your family or friends( you probably have none) read your internet activity online, the vile words that you use, they will laugh at you and think how mentally retarded are you, which you all probably are . Grow up and do something with your life rather than being a troll.

Cc @uwesmake @PHARMACY @LeVoyeur @Wanaruona @Agwambo @MTINGIZA KITANDA!!!

Meza sperms za @Tauren ghaseeer bila kututajataja . Did you transition fully to a filthy homosexual ? You must be stoned to death[ATTACH=full]401343[/ATTACH]

Imagine spending all your time trolling people here using the neighbor wi-fi while you can’t afford ten bob to buy pencils for your children. Can never be me [ATTACH=full]401346[/ATTACH]

Gayyyyyy wewe deenywar mcoondur uzae kitu ata Kama ni meffi .[ATTACH=full]401347[/ATTACH]

mnashikana mkono na ndume mbona?

Huyo ni mkamba mjinga illiterate @PHARMACY na kijana yak


Usinipake meffi shoga hii .nitakojolea kila thread yako[ATTACH=full]401351[/ATTACH]

You guys should just make up and leave the rest of us out of it.

Instead of rustling thin cattle you are also here at @Nipe Nikusifu homosexual thread?

Wewe shoga msenge @Nipe Ninyonye nilikwambia apan taja taja mimi. Always looking for attention as the bottom retarded human pocket flesh light you are.Hata activity zako ni za kisenge pia you want to fool us like that crossdresser @Violete. Nigwache!!





Nitoe wapi nguvu ya kuiwacha ktalk?:smiley:

Kijana… tafuta wakuchokoza … mimi hapana nyanyako. Jaribu kunizoea utatii.

Sawa nataka ng’ombe 100 cheap

Umafiiiii. Thread

Wacha hasira ghaseer

Why are they called chokosh wars, these are gaaay wars instigated by gaaay lords.

Come on, trolls are an integral part of freedom.
I don’t know how people still treat the words on the Internet so seriously. Words mean nothing especially in the digital world full of anonymity. I’d prefer to have the trolls on the internet rather than lack of freedom of speech here. Actually, it is a kind of a hobby for them and they just recharge their batteries by posting their comments, and all the Internet users need to build a kind of psychological shield to it. We have been using the Internet for such a long time and some of us cannot withstand the trolls. It looks too pathetic to me.