Trolley cartels wa Nairobi CBD

Lately i have been sending and receiving tumizigo hapa na pale na kuna mtu moja nimekuja kugundua ni muhimu sana…mse wa kuskuma trolley…For instance kama kuna mzigo inatoka central kenya niichukue kwa ofisi za 2nK na nataka kuituma ronga,mse wa trolley atanifikishia pale railways bus terminus na kendu 100-250 depending na size…and this is a service huezi epuka unless ukuwe uko na personal dinga.

Kuna time nimeendea mzigo then kwa one of the parcel offices na after being retrieved for,nikakosa mtu yoyote wa trolley around even the neigbouring buildings…sasa tukibongabonga na hao attendants wa hapo ni wakanichapia uhondo vile hii biashara imeeruwa(imeivaa/imenoga)…It took me 15 minutes kungojea hadi mse available akapatikana.hiyo time akanipelekea tukaenda tukibonga akanishow vile the whole afternoon ajatulia,with trips to jivanjee,globe,koja,muthurwa,BS,gikosh…So mimi nikipiga hesabu zangu naona uyu mse saii ako na kitu kama more than 2-3 gees clean…bila kuhesabu “petroli”…lunch…

Sasa nikamuuliza si basi hii biashara ni prestigious sana,so nikitaka kuingia naeza fanyaje?Weh,mse alinicheka tu,akaniambia hizo trolley unaona hii town zina wenyewe…si utoke ntu huko from nowhere ukuje na yako,kuna a cartel of some sort and the owners wanajuana…akanishow hata iyo trolley si yake…yeye hukomboa per trip…na akimaliza lazma arudi “base” achunie mwenyewe yake…Depending on how much the trip is kuna percentage ya uyo mwenye trolley and the least is 50 going up…

Huyo owner ako na kama kumi au 15 in one strategic place…and more others in other strategic place…Aanishow ata sai akikutana na kanjo hawezi worry juu “organisation” yao iko in good books of the kanjo askaris…And those trolleys you see being clumped or owners harassed,belong to individuals,mostly big enterprises that prefer and find it cheaper to have their own than “hiring” or “leasing”…

Ati the same way maponyi and senior kanjos own breakdowns,is the same way makanjo askaris own trolleys…ati unapata kuna mtu kwa kanjo anajulikana yeye ndio “humanage” trolley za latema road,mwingine za luthuli ivo ivo…

Yaani hii nairobi everything is just an “orchestrated scheme”…on our way the guy tells me ati kuna hadi cartel ya “beggar owners”…kuna beggars wanafaa ku “operate” on a certain street na ati ukipatikana and your and no “enlisted” your “handler” anakipatapata and he(the handler) might actually be blacklisted not to operate in any of the streets…


Interesting, mi hudhani ni za hao watu wanabebanga tu, No wonder wanakuanga na courage hadi ya kusimama kwa barabara na kuhinder traffic.

Ni leo unajua izo Trolley zina wenyewe?

I know a guy who owns 20 mikokotenis.
Kila siku he charges 200.
4k clean tax free cash.
Wewe kaa tu hapo.

Hahaha I think he meant every area iko booked so that huwezi toka from elsewhere with your trolley thinking you can just park yours there bila kulipa mtu.

Nomax investigation

Hawa ndio watu Uhuru is trying to bring into income tax bracket but thank God Kenya vitu ziko informal and we love doing things informally

:D…fanya hivi undisha trolley then uende ujaribu kukuwa mwenyewe

yaani things are no longer as simple as they look…guys now even “owning” territories in cbd

covered and protected manze

Am saying zina wenyewe becoz somebody has over 200trolleys in CBD alone. Tell me where you are going to fix yours since every spot is booked!

That one aside, unajua choo za kanjo are run by very dangerous city hall mobsters?

Miguna will drain the swamp

Hehehehehe until you meet V8 owner behind all Pipeline, Kibera, Kayole, and Kariobangi estates chapati making biz! Generally, Nairobi is a virgin land! Lot’s of business opportunities but need thick skin.

For info, trolleys are illegal in the City as per by-laws

Hostile takeover

Pia biashara ya mayai/smokie na ile ya switi … one individual owns like 20 analipa wasee kisiku.

One thing I can tell you from chasing certain things in City Hole is that everything in Nairobi has a cartel. Jaribu kuuza matunda au njugu on the roadside, any roadside, it won’t even take 5 minutes for someone to approach you, ask you where you’re from na kama umeongea na ‘chairman’. If you haven’t greased palms you’ll know the real work of those young boys who sit at every roundabout and stage in the city.

that’s y Uhuru is militarizing Nairobi in order to deal with the cartels. Coz everything huku ni cartels - maji, garbage collection, mkokotenis, beggars, bebas, biz stalls/vibandas, public toilets, matatus, markets, nomination za MCAs…just to name a few…

Hahaha hii ni noma

Ata lanye ni cartel
Beggers ni cartel
Street Preachers ni cartel