Treasury bills. Iko swali?

Issue Number: 2142/91
Value Dated: 11th January, 2016

This week the Central Bank of Kenya offered 91-day Treasury Bills for a total of Kshs.4 Billion. The total number of bids received was 304 amounting to Kshs. 7.62 Billion, representing a subscription of 190.51%. Total bids accepted amounted to Kshs.2.78 Billion. The market weighted average rate was 12.130%, and the weighted average of accepted bids which will be applied for non-competitive bids was 11.398% up from 10.845% in the previous auction.

Issue Numbers: 2123/182 and 2048/364
Value Dated: 11th January,2016

This week the Central Bank of Kenya offered 182 and 364 Days Treasury Bills for a total of Kshs.12 Billion. The total number of bids received was 110 amounting to Kshs. 2.92 Billion representing 48.59% subscription and 78 bids amounting to Kshs.3.91 Billion representing 65.11% subscription for 182 and 364 days, respectively. Bids accepted amounted to Kshs.2.54 Billion for 182 days and Kshs.3.14 Billion for 364 days Treasury Bills. The weighted average rate of accepted bids, which will be applied for non-competitive bids, was 13.164% for the 182-day and 13.803% for 364-day Treasury Bills.


Even with higher rates on the longer notes, the public prefers short term?

Swali ni… Hapa kuna mulla poa? If i had say 400k, niwekelee kwa hio ya 6 months; au hata hio ya mwaka, how much would i make at the end of it all? Asking for friends and acquaintance.


Swali mzuri sana. Watu wanangoja for the right time ndio wabuy longer term bills.

Weka kwa ya 3 months. For now, wachana na 6 au 1 year.

What is the minimum amount I can place on these bills and what is the risk?

Why 3? Whats the right time to do a long term?

so after three months I get my money back plus 12% intrest.

Minimum investment 100k. Additional investment in multiples of 50K

Risk Free

12% interest is per annum. You will also have to subject that to 15% WHT

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Minimum for the tbills is 100k,50k for bonds, their is no risk when lending to govt coz it always pays

The rates will be better in the course of the year. Just wait

12%p. a also means 1% per month, so after 3 months you get 3% of the amount invested

forrowing as well…and what is the process of buying?

Go to any CBK branch and open a cds Account



[SIZE=3]Where there is smoke… [/SIZE]

Smart money…

You can download the CDS account opening form from the CBK website. Fill the form and have your bankers verify the form. Once done drop the form and wait for the account to be opened. Do not confuse the CDS account na ile ya shares.

Once a CDS account has been opened, soma mandazi moto ya Fridays to see what CBK is offering. Make your application to purchase by the following Wednesday for 182 and 364 days and by Thursday for 91 days 2pm. CBK will meet on Thursday to discuss on the auction. If successful, you need to pay CBK by Monday 2pm for cash and cheques and 3pm for EFTs.


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