Now now…i was not trapped in a closet like R.kelly nor am i gay hiding in the closet. Engage me on this one…i was watching porn pale Xvideos…i had just finished jerking off to Busty asian midget creamy fuck …then i switched to oily ebony…i found this one video doggy i started jerking off then halfway i realised it was a gay porn…mimi ni nani i hadi to finish off…zikipanda haziezi shuka!! so in reality i just like fucking…doesnt matter what it is. Think about it i wouldnt mind a guy sucking me off…heck i would fuck a guy…i dont give a fuck. atleast once…Sex is sex not a way of life… life ni fupi…and no am not gay…i do not like gays…the loud ladylike fuckers…Fuck am good. Leteni feelings pia.
Keep lying to yourself dude.
you’re now famous thanks to ktalk
WTF did I just read???
Now this is just Bad. I am out of here
Okota block. Ghasia
Ulipona kaswende?
Ng’ombe hii.
Pombe mbaya. Tomorrow you will read this and probably want to go the above memes way.
You are just queer.
Admean anakam…
@pamba Iko mtu apa amehepa kamiti
Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of mercy… Holy Queen, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
ghasia hunbwer takataka.Hata shetani atakukataa wewe
You don’t know what you just did kid. You fuaked up big time.