Transforming Israel's Desert: Innovative Agriculture. Kenya Has Enough Land To FEED Entire Africa!


KENYA 582,646 SQ KM



Well, Kenyans or Africans for that matter are not Israelis!

OK, lets continue depend ending of European Wheat while OUR 58 MILLION HACTARES LAY IDLE and continue to be converted in useless concreate

Was amazed that Israel reclaims or is it recycles 90% of it’s water.
Wueh! Noma sana.
Na hapa Kenya tunalia drought n famine while we have a whole coastline and even Lakes we can deSalinate n use.

The biggest problem in Kenya isn’t arid lands but arid minds

We will continue being dependants not only on food but almost everything else consumable. Just should check the level of commitment, passion and level of technology these giant food producers put in. You will agree with me that the African has yet to reach that stage of the evolution process. Anza kutupa mawe sasa.

Venye @kapitan amesema

Israel receives over 50billion us dollars per month from USA don’t know about other European countries

Nilijua siwezi kukosa kwa thread ya stinking jews.

A very high IQ thread. I was also watching agriculture in Saudi Arabia.

Germany also is paying them reparations for holocaust.

naskia Tanzania wamesitisha export of maize to prevent shortage on their side

What a coincidence. Was watching this on YouTube this morning.

So what have you done about this ama kazi ni kulialia kila saa. It starts with you and every citizen. Right now you and your clan should be having drip irrigation and greenhouses all over your lands to produce crops and fodder throughout the year.

We haven’t been through enough hunger to hack such farming styles. We can still afford imported 220/- per packet wheat when cassava, which produces quality flour just grows effortlessly in any Kenyan farm. We love the hard way.

And, and, and… they use it properly. If KE was as efficient with its loans, bonds and donor funds we wouldn’t need them in the first place

Tumesema mara mob we can live without wheat. What we should worry about is Tanzania and UG halting exports to Kenya.

Hio 10% they turn WestBank into a sewerage dump

Spot on